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Asher cut the engine and Scout hopped down and walked up the stairs, unlocking the door with the spare key.

"You should probably hide that better." Scout remarked and Asher stilled before he opened the door to his own apartment, as he looked all around them. "What?" She asked and looked around with him, unsure of the source of his uneasiness.

"Someone's been here." He said and reached for his keys, holding them in between his fingers. "And I think they might still be here." He mumbled and she shifted over away from the door a bit.

"Good guess." The door opened and the familiar red mohawk shows up in the doorway, and Scout started in a bit of surprise. Four other Cobra Kai were standin' around, casually followin' his lead.

"Well done, Hawk. You have successfully found the home of my younger... son." John Kreese was in the shadows somewhere, and Asher's eyes burned with a fierce fire.

"Get out of my apartment, now. All of you." Asher's voice, was freezing cold, and there was a fury beyond belief in them, as Scout settled into a defensive stance next to him.

"I don't think so. Get them." Kreese stated, and Hawk raced at Asher with no encouragement needed, while the others all went in a surge after Scout.

The two people on the defense were quickly backing up. "Use surrounding, all over. We know this place, Scout. We just, you just need to remember that they don't." Asher pointed out as Scout nodded and Asher ducks under many of Hawk's swings, leading him away from Scout and the others.

Scout was swinging hard, using hands and feet both, since she was stuck in a circle of Cobra Kai students. "Asher? I could use a hand!" She called out, and a guy grabbed her by the shoulders, at that, Scout roared and forced herself into a front-flip, which sent the guy flying into the two guys in front of her as well.

Asher looked around and felt Hawk's elbow smash into the back of his head and his ears began to ring at suddenly a flash of bright-hot pain in his head.

He puts two fingers to his mouth swiftly and a sharp taxi-cab whistle came out of his mouth. Two shadows leapt into the fight and sent two Cobra Kai students flying each away from an shocked Scout.

Joshua and Storm stood up on either side, causing Kreese to look almost as if he was a bit surprised. "Hello, little Joshua. I wasn't aware that you were in town." Kreese's voice sounds almost... curious in a way.

"Well, I guess that it is just more and more bad luck for you then." Josh said and he pulled out his badge, and all of the kids, they bolt at once, just as soon as they'd catch sight of it.

Kreese scoffed quietly at the sight of the badge, before he calmly walks out of the apartment and down the stairs. It was as if, he had all of the time in the world to do so, and ignoring the cop behind him.

Josh put away his badge and looked over at Scout, who was wiping blood from her nose. "You good?" He asked and she shrugged a little.

"The guy got in a lucky swing, before he ended up hitting his friends." She'd say with a shrug, and Asher walks out of the abandoned apartment just down the stairs, then came back up the stairs to where they were.

"They are gone. All of them, all gone as soon as Josh showed the badge." He said and cracked his neck slightly. "All of them went after you." He noted and Scout laughed a little.

"That is because Eli seriously wants you dead for some reason." She said as the older two looked confused. "Kid with the red mohawk." She explained, and they both nodded quickly.

"I'm guessing that Asher kicked his ass, at some point in time?" Josh had to ask, and Asher scoffed.

"If you wanna be technical about it Josh, I kicked his face. Just for calling me, a bunch of skin and bones. Only Scout gets to call me that and mean it." Asher said and picked up his keys off of the ground. "Anyways, I think we're good for now. You guys should head out." Asher muttered to Josh and it was clear, that he was still pissed off about earlier.

"C'mon Josh, let's leave the kids alone." Storm said, nudging the older of the brothers lightly in the ribs, and they both walked down the stairs real quickly.

"Nice to meet you." Scout called out slightly more quiet than she had ever intended to, and she followed Asher into the dark apartment. "Do you even bother to pay the electrical bills on this place?" She questioned and he looked over at her.

"I'm usually only here at night, so I don't usually bother." Both of Scout's eyebrows pull together in confusion at his words, and he shakes his head in the dark and laughed a little. "I am just messing around, Girl Scout. I have to pay all the utilities at once anyways and the light switch is on your right."

Scout smiled a little and she reached out on her right, and she flicks on the lights. "Jesus!" She yelps, coverin' her eyes quickly.

"Oh right." Asher said and Scout 'glared' at him with her eyes slammed shut firmly as she swiftly moves along the left wall, and, makes her way over to the drawers.

"I'm gonna take a shower, can you just leave me clothes outside the door then?" She asked, as she moved quietly like a cat, into the small bathroom.

"Sure thing." Asher said and pulled a pair of shorts on, and he pulled open the drawers and tossed a pile of older clothes onto the chest of drawers next to the door.

Scout got out of the shower and reached around for the clothes real quickly, and she was fumbling in the darkness now.

She found them and silently changed in the bathroom, before she walks out of the bathroom and found that Asher had already crashed on the couch. She scoffed very quietly, and she sighed at the sight.

She walked over and she shoved his right arm slightly over to the side and he quietly mumbles something under his breath, before he was once more, soundly asleep.

She managed to make a small space for her, before his one arm was back on top of her, in the space that used to be occupied solely by it in the first place. "Seriously?" She muttered and she rolled over onto her side, so that she was lying with his arm around her now, rather than with it on top of her and crushing the air out of her.

She smiled a little bit at the new tattoos on his other arm, one of which to her surprise, and gratitude, was the Bonsai tree that she had suggested to him to be growing up and out of the Cobra tattoo.

She shut her eyes after moving her head to lay on his chest, and she fell asleep quite quickly to her surprise as it were, lulled to sleep, by the familiar and steady heartbeat.

Honor or Brutality {Cobra Kai}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ