Ch19. Graduation and Pro...shh

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Life have been smiling at Louis and Harry, everything was amazing, Harry performed a couple of concerts and he always spotted at least 10 posters about him and Louis or what everyone called them 'Larry Stylinson'.

Harry was sitting on the couch in the living room texting Louis who was in the kitchen -right next to the living room- with Jay who was showing him suits for his wedding which he had no idea when it was. "Mom for real I may not even get married" Jay looked at her son then spoke up

"Lou you are my only son, let me live the dream that every mother wants to live the rest will all be wearing dresses and shopping for a suit will be different from shopping for a dress"

Louis really wanted to end the topic so he suggested something that he knew every woman like his mother would agree to, "Mom, new styles and models will be out by the time I'm gonna have the will to get married"

His mom instantly stopped and agreed, which means his plan have worked. All of a sudden they hear the bell go off and then followed by, "DAD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" and then instantly a reply as loud as the yell of excitement came back "I would for sure be here tomorrow is my son's graduation and pro...." then he was suddenly cut off and their voices vanished. Louis slowly got up, he have never met Harry's father before, and made his way towards the living room. "Haz?"

Harry looked up, his serious expression softened and he went and pulled Louis to his side, "Dad this is Louis, my boyfriend. Lou this is Des, my dad"

Des gave Louis a pensive stare for like a minute then nodded and patted Harry on the back telling him, "I approve son" and then he engulfed Louis in a sudden hug "welcome to the family Lou, and take care of my son" Louis hummed out a thanks and let go of the hug.

The Tomlinsons introduced themselves to Des and everyone was chatting Happily.


Harry was getting ready for his graduation as he heard a sudden knock oh his room's door "come in!" and then the door was open revealing an exited Des "Hi dad" Harry chirped happily.

"Hello son, are you ready for your big day?" He gave Harry the red velvet box that contained the ring that was gonna be on Louis' finger soon.

"Nervous as hell but I hope I don't mess up, I'm gonna tell the story to everyone today" Harry hugged Des and then they headed to the school with the rest of the family.

The Tomlinsons got there at the same time and Harry and Louis were drooling over each other. Anne and Jay and the rest of the family went and took a seat at the back as the graduates were sitting in the front. "You look gorgeous" Harry whispered into Louis' ear as they were hugging tightly

"so do you love but this is not our wedding" Louis giggled as Harry let out a throaty chuckle. Everyone, including the seniors, took a seat. All of a sudden Niall got up on his chair and yelled "ALL HOMOPHOBES GET YOUR ASSES OUTTA MY SCHOOL" and pretended to flip his hair everyone laughed and Larry blushed. Then Lisa got up and yelled "A TOAST FOR THE BEST COUPLE, LARRY STYLINSON" Everyone clapped for them and Louis hid his face in Harry's chest as the bigger boy chuckled with flushed cheeks. Everyone calmed down and the principle along with a few other teachers gave out their speech and the seniors went to get their diplomas.

"Harry Styles" This was it, it's time. Harry got up and went to get his diploma after the handshakes and pictures he asked for a word and he was given a mic. "Good afternoon everyone, from seniors to parents to siblings to relatives and friends" He took a deep breath then continued, "I'm Harry Styles, also known as the boy with cancer or the popstar with cancer, whatever you want. I am standing here, willing to tell my story and the most important thing that I learned from it was 'you don't need to know that you are dying to start living' as you know, when I was in my freshmen year, I was diagnosed with lung cancer, I started doing chemo shots and the doctor said that I am getting better as I was always a fighter. By the time I was taking my last chemo shot I was told that I'm terminal. At that moment I thought my life was over but oh how wrong I was, it was the point were my life actually began" He stopped and looked at the cameras that were streaming the event live on TV " at that moment I decided to publish the songs that I have written and I did just that then I got offered a label and signed with them and now I have 2 albums out. I was told that I won't make it to my senior year, then when I did they told me prom and so on. I was openly gay and I had a prey under my eyes, Louis William Tomlinson, I adored that man with all my heart and I really wanted to be with him" He paused and looked at Louis.

miracle boy||larryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora