Ch 6. I love you

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The rest of the week was gloomy for both Louis and Harry. Neither of them went to school, they didn't even leave their rooms. Louis was in complete shock after what happened on Tuesday. While Harry was on the verge of dropping out of school.

It was currently Saturday, the group of friends, except Louis and Harry, were gathered in the park. "Okay, we gotta make them fix this shit. They are both head over heels for each other and I'm gonna make sure that by the end of the day they will have had their first kiss. If you're with me you're more than welcome, if not then have a nice day" Liam said, seriousness dripping from each word making him sound like a general that is giving his fellow soldiers a speech before the debut of the battle that would decide their fate.

Harry was currently sitting on the recliner in his bedroom, going through the pics he got with Louis and his friends. He was determined on dropping by now, he couldn't handle the humiliation. Lisa called Anne explaining everything to her and once robin and Des knew about it they swore that they will make sure Adam and Noah won't set a foot in the school again, even if it was the last thing they would do. Gemma talked to her professors and was able to postpone some exams in order to be able to go back and see her little brother. Harry got up and stood by the window frame, his eyes fixed on the blue sky that reminds him of Louis' eyes. Tears were threatening to spill from the green emerald, his body leaning on the wall and Louis corrupting his brain. "If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. Now you know" he smirked letting out a low chuckle, "you now know that you are that person who got me whipped, you got me to fall truly, deeply, madly in love. You are my ever after, if I had any. You are my one and only, my heart, my soul, my everything. I love you Louis William Tomlinson, I love you so much that it hurts" he continued spilling his heart, letting the words linger in the air and end up being held by the wall.


Zayn stood by the electricity pole in front of Louis' house, he held the mic close to his mouth, Niall and Liam were holding a big poster saying 'GO KISS HIM YOU FOOL'. Lisa and Lara explained the whole plan to jay and got ready to take Louis to Harry's house before he can run away. Once they were ready Zayn turned on the speaker and started following the plan "OMG IT'S HARRY STYLES!!" and that was enough to get Louis' attention. The blue eyed boy went and looked from the window, he saw Liam and Niall Holding a huge poster and Zayn was talking gibberish into the mic. "Oh look! It's Louis!!!" yelled Zayn, "Louis William Tomlinson, I swear to god if you don't come down this instant and go talk things through with Harry I'll leak the photo of you with a dirty diaper on your head, running around and pretending to be Tarazan!"Louis let out a soft laugh at his best friend's dorkiness, a light shade of pink covering his cheeks due to the memory.

He opened the window and yelled "Oh yea Zayn?! How about I leak the video where you started crying when you heard the toilet being flushed and started shouting 'we're gonna die' on the top of your lungs while running out naked where the whole neighborhood was able to see you!" By now both boys were grinning at each other. Niall started waving the poster which reminded Louis of everything, he looked at the lads, sadness taking over his features "I don't think I'm ready to face him"

Niall shook his head with a small smile plastered on his face. "I say now is the best time Lou, if you gave him more time he can make stupid decisions, he once almost ran away from his house cuz he fought with Gemma over the TV and she said something between the lines of missing being the only child, he waited a bit but she didn't give the topic any attention cuz you know siblings fights but he took it way too serious and thought that she really didn't want a brother and wanted to be an only child so he decided that 'They will be better off without him' and packed a suitcase, thank god I was in the neighborhood by the time he left and was able to stop him." Louis flashed Niall a sincere smile, the Irish lad have found himself a soft spot in Louis' heart.

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