Ch18. Prom Night

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The months passed and Louis and Harry's relationship have never been stronger the longest fight have ended in 3 minutes and anyone who mentions it would regret it. Anne and Gemma tried asking Harry about his test results twice but it always ended with a fight and a house full of yelling so they decided to wait till he's ready. On the other side, Jay tried asking Louis once and he said that it's Harry's choice whether he wanted to say it and he has no right to do that for him so she instantly dropped it.

They were currently getting ready for their prom night, Lisa, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Lara were going in a car and the couple were going in another car cuz no one wanted to watch an R rated movie and see their best friends flirt endlessly.

They eventually reached school and went straight to the gym were the party was. Louis got in and directly went to Lisa, "Oh Lili look! That guy is smoking hot" He said and pointed at Harry who was Talking with Niall, "Do you think he's gay? Do I have a chance with him?" Lisa rolled her eyes playfully at her bestfriends. "OMG HE'S COMING HE'S COMING!" He yelled into her ear as he saw Harry approach him.

"Hello princess, Oh look How charming you look" Harry said as he got to Louis and sent him a wink, Louis giggled shamelessly as Harry continued and Lisa left them to go and have the dance with Niall. "May I have the pleasure of this dance kitten?" Harry purred into Louis' ear sending shivers down the boy's spine. Louis nodded and Harry pinched his inner thigh, "use your words princess," Louis yelped and his cheeks turned a shade of pink.

"yes" He said lowly his head resting on Harry's chest

"yes who darling?" Harry smirked knowing what he's doing to Louis

"Harry" Louis whined "Believe me Harry I'll give you a boner in front of everyone if you continue"

Harry chuckled and lifted his boyfriend's head. He pressed a kiss to Louis' mouth then pulled back, "Let's go dance baby"

"Are you performing?" Louis asked looking at his boyfriend. He knew Harry wanted to perform but he wasn't sure if he will.

"Yes" Harry said as he took Louis' hand and led him to the dancing bodies, he took his other hand and positioned them as the slow music played.

"What are you singing?" Louis asked curiously

"treat people with kindness" Harry replied as they started dancing

They danced, Laughed, interacted, drank, ate and had so much fun. It was time for Harry to perform, he was getting the mic set with his band as the principle introduced him. Everyone started cheering for him absolutely loving their talented friend. He got on the small stage that was set for announcements and started, "good evening Holmes Chapel Comprehensive school seniors and juniors!" everyone cheered higher the younger ones going absolutely with the fact that Harry Styles is attending the same school as them. "This is treat people with kindness, from my new album fine line, sing along if you know the lyrics" he said and started, the lights were glowing as everyone sang to the lyrics of the song, even the ones who were not interested in his music sang and maybe, only maybe had something, along the lines of 'forcing them to memorize', to do with it.

He finished and thanked everyone then got down, they continued the night and everyone had so much fun. As they were getting out Harry got a text message from his dad saying that he found the perfect ring and sent him a picture. Harry loved it and agreed on it, the price was really high but he had no problem with it. Des was gonna pay but Harry insisted on doing it himself saying that "I want to buy it with my money, I'm gonna give this to Louis and I wanna feel like it came from me, please let me do it dad".

Louis was having so much fun and absolutely enjoyed his senior year as he completely ignored Harry's test results. He was too stubborn to accept them and he didn't mind at all. He didn't want anything other than Harry but little did he know what was coming to him within the next 2 months or so.



1 chapter left and the epilogue :)

Hope you all liked it and thank you for reading :)

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