Ch11. I'M!NOT!A!KID!

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For the last chapter if u put the first word of each paragraph together, you'll get a sentence :)


"LOU!" Harry dropped everything and ran to hug his boyfriend, "Missed you so much" He said, prepping kisses on his face and then he finally pressed their lips together, melting into his baby's soft, sweet lips. "I love you, so much".

Louis attached their lips together again. "Missed you too Haz, missed you so much" his warm breath hitting Harry's lips. "Love you. Love you. Love you" He hugged his lover so tight, missing his heat, his warmth, his smell, his everything. "Let's get you home, you're probably tired. Your mom made you a cake and covered it with a layer of swiss chocolate, she said it's your favourite." They got in Louis' car and drove home, ignoring all the paps and fans around them, so engaged in their own world.


"Harry is home!" they heard Lisa shout from the 2nd floor. The door swung open revealing a formal looking Niall. Harry and Louis burst out laughing at his attire, never in a million years would they have thought Niall would wear such a formal thing. His tux was falling down from behind making him look like a Head of servants in a huge mansion.

"What's so funny?" Niall pouted looking so cute and irresistible. Harry and Louis hugged him and apologized for laughing like hyenas. "yea yea whatever, now get in" he pulled them both to the living room, the place was decorated with blue and green confetti and balloons, there were some DIY crafts which were also blue and green. Everything was simple but looked gorgeous.

Lisa stood up on the chair, clinking her glass with a spoon to gain everyone's attention, "Today we are here to celebrate the return of our beloved friend and brother, Harry Styles; and we're also celebrating his new relationship with, his lover, Louis Tomlinson. May god bless them and give them a happily ever after, cheers everyone. We missed you Haz." She got off the chair and went to hug Harry.

"Thank you guys, thank you so much" Harry's eyes were brimming with tears as he hugged his bestfriend. "Love you all". He pulled away from the hug and went to sit next to Louis, "Hi." He said, wrapping his arm around Lou's shoulders.

"Hi." Louis giggled and rested his head on Harry's shoulder.

"So Harry," Jay started, "Tell us, how were your results". Everyone looked at Harry with hopeful eyes and huge smiles, everyone except Louis.

Louis felt Harry tense next to him, and the arm draped around his shoulders tightened, squeezing him a bit. He got up and said, "before that, I have something important for Harry, erm--waiting for him---um--in his room. If you could excuse us a bit, thank you" He got up and pulled Harry with him.

"Wait Lou," Fizzy looked at her brother then continued, "Louis, you can't just take him like this. Mom asked the question that everyone wants to know the answer for, c'mon! Let the boy at least answer." She huffed, clearly not happy with what her brother is doing.

Lottie was able to read her brother very well, and she understood that Louis was trying to forget the topic or at least ignore it for as much time possible. "Um...Fizzy? Why are you trying to stop Lou from sending time with his boyfriend, let them be happy please." Lottie knew that what she said sounded rude and offensive but she must help Louis out of the situation and she wasn't able to come up with another thing.

"What the fuck Lottie-" Fizzy started but got interrupted by Jay scolding both of them.

"You two, where are your manners. Fizzy, you got off rude to your brother. Lottie, what you just said to Fizzy was out of expectations, I thought I raised you better, and to not mention that curse that slipped out of your mouth Fizzy, you two are grounded for the rest of the month." Harry and Louis took the commotion to their advantage and went up to Harry's room.

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