Ch16. Unexpected News

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As the winter break came, Harry took Louis to the countryside. He went to his grandfather's farm that have been passed down to him.

"C'mon Lou let's go!" Harry called from the car. Louis was still saying goodbye to his family, this was the first time he goes on a trip without them.

He got into the car and buckled up. "will you be a gentleman and tell me where are we going to?" The feathery haired boy glanced at his boyfriend, looking so hot sitting behind the wheel.

"Darling, we're graduating in less than half a year and you still don't understand the meaning of a surprise" He replied teasingly.

Louis groaned but he didn't press any further. The ride was 2 hours long and they busied themselves with small talks and music. "you know," Louis said turning the volume of the radio down a notch so they don't need to shout in order to hear each other, "we never discussed Universities"

Harry spared his boyfriend a quick glance then focused on the road again, "Lou, I'm not going to college I already have my career and I'm well aware that your career won't need uni" Louis hummed.

"I-" Louis tried to find something to say. He knew that he wanted to follow Harry's path but he lacked the confidence.

"Oh shut it" Harry chuckled, "everyone loved you Lou, once we graduate we're gonna go live in London, I'll make you sign with the same management as mine and it will be amazing. We will be the power couple. If I made it" he said, whispering the last part.

"stop the car" Louis said firmly.


"I said stop the car!" he growled

Harry stopped the car on the side road "Lou?" he looked at his boyfriend with fear. The only time he saw Louis this mad was when the scene with his past bullies occurred.

"Listen to my carefully Harry Edward Styles, mark my words." Louis' voice was filled with emotions but it was still firm and persistent. Harry gulped loudly but didn't say anything, waiting for his boyfriend to continue. "don't you ever dare say that again Harry, you are not sick! There is nothing wrong with you those doctors are just so stupid! Do you hear me?" Louis turned his head to look at his boyfriend as his voice cracked towards the end and his eyes were filled with tears, a dam threatening to break. "You're not dying! We are gonna have a future together, have a family and raise 4 amazing kids like we always dreamt!" The dam broke and his cheeks were dripping with tears, Harry got out of the car and went to Louis' side, he opened his door, unbuckled his boyfriend's belt and picked him up. Louis sobbed on Harry's shoulder as Harry opened the backseat door and got in with Louis, he closed the door and just laid there hugging his boyfriend tightly. No words were needed for now only each other's presence.

Once Louis calmed down, Harry cradled his cheeks and kissed him passionately spilling all his love and adoration in the kiss. "I'm sorry Lou" he pecked his cheeks, "so sorry baby" he pecked his forehead, "love you so much always, and forever" he landed a final peck on his lips. Louis looked at Harry, his eyes red and puffy.

"don't ever say that again Haz" Louis said with a hoarse voice due to the crying, he sounded so broken and Harry felt like shit for doing that to him.

"I promise baby, I'm so sorry".

They stayed hugging like that for half an hour then continued their way. "Hazza?" Louis called on Harry, more like whined

"what is it Lou?" Harry replied calmly, his face reflects pure fondness, pure love and adoration towards the feathery haired angel sitting in the passenger seat.

"I'm bored. How much is left till we get there?" he truly looked like a 5 year old, all pouty and whiny

Harry couldn't resist so he just leaned in and pressed a sweet and short kiss on Louis' lips. "half an hour baby, we're almost there" they were already nearing the countryside and the farm isn't that far out.

As they reached the farm Louis' jaw dropped, "um....Haz?"

"Lou, everyone already knew about this cuz I needed their consent to take you but, this farm was my grandfather's and he passed it down to me cuz my dad said that he wants me to take it and have it as a getaway from the fame. So, if you are willing to, we are gonna spend most of our break here. I promised Jay to have you back before your birthday so we're going back on the 23rd but for now, it's just you and I baby."

Louis looked at Harry and jumped on him, kissing all over his face and mumbling "Thank you" between kisses. They got out of the car, unloaded their luggage and got into the farm house.

Once they got settled and Harry showed Louis the house and emptied their bags into the closet Louis went to take a shower and Harry laid down on the bed while going through his phone. He saw that he had a message from his dad so he went and checked it. the message told him to call him as fast as possible so he did. His dad picked up instantly. "Hello?"

"Hi dad"

"How are you Haz"

His dad sounded really nervous and worried but there was a tone of excitement as well. "I'm doing well dad thanks. What is so important and urgent?"

"So for your Cancer test results..."

Harry gulped Loudly, "what about them?"

"The doctor got back to me today morning and he said that he was confused from your test results cuz it said that you have cancer but there is no tumor and your body is healthy. So he studied your test results precisely and sent a copy of them to Germany...and...he said that you are....I'll send you the email read it carefully Hazza, I love you son" and with that des hung up, Harry was so confused. He went and kept refreshing his notifications until there was a ding and he saw the email from the doctor. He opened it and read the first word but directly stopped and looked at the bathroom door, if he was gonna read the news he wanted to make it a special surprise for Louis so he quickly read over the email before Louis gets out of the shower.



Here you go :) 

Love you all :)

Just how you like it Lili ;)

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