Chapter 26

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"There he is!" A strong feminine voice announced as a group of synchronized boot thumps followed in its wake.

Shit. Artios could recognize that voice anywhere. Nefari and the palace guard.

This was not good. So not good.

The thief pulled his sword out of its sheath, ready to defend himself from the upcoming attack.

However as the head of palace guard stormed through the trees, Artios was shocked when he noticed that she wasn't coming towards his direction at all. In fact she hadn't even acknowledged him yet.

Why would she- She was heading straight at Ivy!

"Stop! Leave him alone! He hasn't done anything wrong!" The swordsman yelled out desperately.

The older woman simply ignored him, continuing to charge towards Ivy without even glancing at the other man.

Elizabeth got in front of the small teen to shield him as Artios ran towards the two of them as fast as he could.

"Please, just give me a little bit of time! I'll do whatever you want! You can lock me up in jail for the rest of my life for all I care, just please don't hurt him!" The swordsman cried in panic and fear. He wasn't going to make it there in time!

It seemed that Artios had finally caught Nefari's attention at that comment because she suddenly stopped in her tracks to face the young thief, "Hurt him?! You're the one who kidnapped him! You have no right to say that to me!"

"Huh?! I didn't kidnap anyone!" Artios argued.

"Liar! Then what's he doing there?! Someone's gotta have brought him here! He definitely could not have made it on his own, I know that much!" Nefari pointed at the sleeping teen with a deep scowl, teeth clenched to suppress her rage, "What's my little brother doing there?! Answer me Artios Hunter! You kidnapped him for the Regiis Fortitudo. That could be the only explanation and trust me, there are dire consequences for kidnapping in our kingdom, let alone kidnapping a prince!"

Little brother? A prince? The swordsman was so confused, but right now was not the time for more questions.

"You've got this all wrong. I can explain everything I swear, I just need a few minutes to look for the Luna so he can be cured." Artios tried to reason.

Nefari's eyes widened in shock for a few seconds, but it didn't last long enough to stop her from pulling out her own sword and charging towards the thief. "If you think you can fool me by acting like you believe in that boy's nonsense you're wrong."

She aimed a strike towards the young man's neck, but he managed to block it just before it could land.

"Rest assured, I have brought the best doctors in the whole kingdom, who have come up with an antidote for his condition so you have no reason to worry." Nefari explained, striking again, but this time towards the opening at his left leg.

Thankfully Artios caught her gaze in time and blocked it again, pushing the sword away with his own.

Doctors? Artios quickly glanced in  Ivy's direction while diffusing another attack to see two doctors propping him up and trying to give him some translucent green liquid from a strangle looking vial.

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