Chapter 23

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"Ivy!" Artios yelled, before jumping off Elizabeth's back and desperately charging towards the smaller teen, sword in arm.

The boy was being attacked by a bear!

Ivy hadn't noticed the man yet, and continued to gape at the large beast in front of him with fear filled in his eyes.

Violent tremors wracked through the young teen's body as he kept squishing himself into the tree behind him, even though he couldn't possibly go any further back.

The large bear raised its arms, slimy drool dribbling down its canines that resembled sharpened knives. This was not good. Not good at all!

The raging beast clenched its paw, ready to attack with its sharp nails aiming to strike Ivy right in the chest.

The eighteen-year-old saw his life flash before his eyes. His boring, monotonous, insignificant life, caged away from the world...

It was over.

He had never thought he would die before even getting to try to find the Luna.

He had hoped that even if he couldn't get cured, that he would at least get to see for himself if what he believed was actually true. That he would be able to take charge of his own life for just once, but this was probably the end for him wasn't it?

At least he got to spend his last days with Art, outside of the confines of the four walls of his room.

Even though it may sound selfish, Ivy only wished he could've seen more, done more...

He missed Art. Even though the swordsman made it abundantly clear that he did not like the younger in the least. Even though the man would never return his feelings...

Ivy took a deep breath and scrunched his eyes shut as the huge claws approached him, ready for the pain to strike his body at any time but it never did.

"Get the hell away from him!" A deep voice growled furiously.

The small teen heard a hard clanking noise, and a whimper before a pair of heavy footsteps faded into the distance.

Ivy was... alive!

The boy slowly cracked his eyes open to be faced with a blurry figure crouching in front of him.

Ivy could faintly make out a muscular silhouette and a concerned expression that was probably directed towards him.

The small teen hadn't expected to find another human this deep into the forest. This person was probably the one who saved him.

The small teen simply stared until his vision cleared, and as soon as it did, his jaw dropped in shock.

It couldn't be...

There was a pin drop silence, the duo looking into each other's eyes wordlessly.

That is until the older finally mustered up the courage and decided to make the first move this time. He cleared his throat and awkwardly began to speak, "I was wrong."

"I don't want anything to happen to you." He continued nervously, "I don't know much of anything really, but what I know is I-I wanna be with you. I messed up. I hurt you, and I know you probably hate me and don't want anything to do with me right now but please let me join you and help you. I'm sor-"

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