"She's right ya know, Sia. That was some undeniable chemistry I saw. You guys even did the short staring competitions, the blushing and looking away. Bitch please tell when a guy has ever made you blush or feel shy. We felt like we saw a whole new side to you gurl." Layla ejected.

She didn't know herself. He had such an effect on her in such a short time. She put it down to him being insanely attractive, or so she told her friends. This earned her several objections.

"Girl are you blind?" that was Isla.

"Bitch don't tell me you gon do the whole I don't have time for no mf because them little telepathic convos you were having with yo man was sum else," burst out Jannah

"Syra we are gonna be here every step of the way to remind you that you just can't ignore him - you won't be able to! Idk why you even wanna, bro he's so fit," concluded Layla.

Syra's mind was a mess. She couldn't make sense of anything and she was no where near to admitting or coming to terms with anything.

"Bruvvv, idk I'm confused like - just frustrated,"

"So why don't you - HOLD UP! DID YOU DRAW HIM THEN. WAIT BITCH IDEK HIS NAME!" Layla shouted

Syra groaned, massaging her temples.

"Zayn. Zayn Malik Ahmed. 15th of Nov 04. Prolly about 6"3 or 6"4, he's like really tall, and he's got these silver-grey eyes. Like idk how to describe em I'm struggling to sketch them. He's got a nice beard tho, and he keeps his hair messily combed. It like reaches to the nape of his neck. He's also like really muscular," she confessed.

"Dangggggg he sounds leng af." Jannah commented.

"You have a thing for facial hair," laughed Layla. Syra thought they looked liked annoying pre teens without facial hair, well most of the time. She thought facial hair gave them a more mature and masculine look, a more haggard look.

"How'd you know he's muscular?" questioned Isla.

"You know when I ran into him. I fell on top. He ain't no cuddly person. And then he tried getting up and lost his balance so he fell back into a sitting position and I, well I kinda m, uhmm-" she laughed nervously.

"You straddled him! OH MY GOD! We couldn't see as you all were on the other side of the table but-" put in Jannah before Layla told her to shut up.

"I had no idea how I ended up there and - wait did I tell you that he smelt really good? Yh he did. And well then I think he got a little annoyed so I was gonna move but he like-" she broke off, suddenly feeling shy to carry on, but her friends encouraged her, "He like yanked me close and stood up - I had to cling to his shoulders so I didn't drop to the ground as I was in mid air - until he set me down. And that's not all of it. He stared while I fixed myself - god he was prolly laughing. And then he turned and untucked his shirt - idk why, wasn't he supposed to do the opposite-"

"She's rather dense," interjected Isla.

"Gurl I'm telling ya it was to hide his thang-" begun Jannah before Syra cut her off, hurriedly resuming her recount.

"Enough about - about that. You're prolly imagining it, anyways. Yeah and then he sat at the table so I offered to get him a bite from the canteen-"

"Did he give you money?" inquired Isla.

"Yes ofc. Jheez, I've been interrupted a billion times already. Anyways I came back and like told him I was assigned to work with him blah blah blah, he's like kl so we like begin to introduce ourselves before he like idk, just suddenly got brisk as if he didn't care. Like idk he switched up rq. Then his cousins came so I spent the rest of the time giving one relationship advice, while Zayn and the other tried to talk to each other without me hearing. Bruh they thought I was dumb."

💎 Z A Y N 💎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora