"Really...?" Apollo nodded.

"Yep, Audrey told me that the hut burned down. You guys then came here if you don't remember. You were too tired so you immediately fell asleep. For the next few days you had a terrible fever. After 3 days the weather was getting better. Yesterday was the first day without any rain. It continued on to today," Apollo looked outside with a happy look on his face.

"Oh, really?" Aria wondered. Apollo looked back at her and nodded again.

"Where did Audrey go?" Aria asked Apollo.

"I don't really know...". Silence fell, it was a weird silence. A silence where nothing was spoken, but it felt as if feelings were screaming at each other. A disturbing silence. 

Audrey returned a few minutes later and immediately noticed the silence.

"Are you guys having a... Staring contest?" Aria snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head.

"Nope, just... Being here," A small smile crossed Apollo's face. But it soon passed away.

"Come on, I'm sure you guys don't want to stay here any longer. Right?" Apollo asked Aria. Audrey looked to her and a look - which Aria didn't quite understand - crossed her face.

"Um... Well. I guess we'll have to leave one day, seeing as the three of us can't stay forever in this cave. So... The treehouse?" Aria looked to Audrey.

"Sure, we can stay here for a bit longer. Then go to the treehouse. If it hasn't fallen already,".

"I can go see if it's still standing, while you can... Clean up," Apollo bit his lip.

"Are you saying that I am dirty?" Aria accused him.

"No..." Aria glared at Apollo.


"I'll just go," And Apollo left.

"You know he's right," Audrey commented. Aria stared at Audrey.

"Are you saying that I am dirty as well?".

"Yes, you haven't washed properly in a while now, we all haven't. And seeing as Apollo isn't here, you have plenty of privacy," Aria groaned.

"Fine,". Aria looked around, then back at Audrey.

"Um... Where do I wash?" Audrey laughed at Aria's cluelessness.

"Over there," She pointed at a place behind a few bushes with her paw. "There's a lake behind those bushes,". 

Aria walked over and pushed the bushes aside. Then saw a little lake, covered by the canopies of the trees. She quickly undressed and put a foot in. The water wasn't cold. It wasn't hot. It was perfect.

She stepped in all the way and relaxed.


About 15 minutes later Aria had finished washing herself, and Apollo had returned.

"Bad news guys," They sat in a circle in the cave.

"What is it?" Aria wondered.

"The treehouse, it must've been struck by lightning while you were out or something. The top half is destroyed. I don't think it is safe to go up there," Apollo said in a sad tone.

"No..." A look of horror passed on Aria's face. "You've got to be lying..." Aria placed a hand on her forehead, covering part of her eye. 

"I'm not. I know how much you want out, but there's just nowhere else to go. Unless you want to find another cave or something, you'll have to stay here," Aria lied on the ground. 

"We could try to build another hut," Aria suggested.

"The trees are too wet for that (is that possible? I don't know). It won't work," Apollo said plainly.

"Ugh... This sucks," Aria stated.

"I know, but this is your only choice, until the trees dry out, you can't do anything," Apollo told her.

"Okay, we'll stay. But one step out of line..." Aria warned. Apollo raised his arms.

"I know, I know. You'll send me back to Olympus,".

On Olympus


"Have fun little godlings,".

"We have a lot more set out for you,".

Dun, dun, dun!!! Who were the last three people/gods/Ancient Greek beings?

Tell me your suggestions in the comments. Though it's pretty obvious who it is.


Stay safe, and keep on reading!

-Scrach3465 & the Greek Gods & Aria & Audrey

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