"That's definitely not it - Tyrone!" I exclaim his name as he tries to go around me. Had to control my speed because I almost could've just blocked him off.

I rush around him and stand before him, shaking my head.

"You...you're right. I did abandon you and completely left you behind. We're supposed to be best friends for life, but I didn't do such a good job keeping it that way. I am sorry, but I had my reasons." I tell him adamantly, and I see Achille start to make his way towards us.

I shake my head, hoping he'd get the hint; but it was too late as he rounded around him. Standing by my side, and the evident betrayal crossed his features.

"Tyrone, we promise that there's more to it than what you think-."

"I don't care what you have to say," Tyrone interrupts him harshly, causing Achille to look away awkwardly, "I was nice to you."

"But...Darius is my husband, the father of my kids. He can't just cling to you and you expecting things to be the same. You're grown adults, this was bound to happen anyway-."

"It didn't have to be that way. I honestly think you're keeping him from his friends. You're trying to be controlling - and you are controlling." Tyrone interrupts him harshly, and I shake my head at that.

"Achille is far from controlling. Tyrone you need to let me explain-."

"I don't care about the explanation. Real friends don't do this to their friends. You abandoned me and you of all people are very well-equipped to what that's like. I don't want to hear any excuses." Tyrone shook his head. "There's nothing...you could tell me that would make me change my mind or understand this situation better. There is just no good excuse as to why you dropped me like that...all for what? To feel worth it?"

I fold my arms now, trying not to start anything else with him. Except I saw Achille's fingers grip his nose bridge and I immediately knew what that meant.

"Achilles..." I chuckle awkwardly for Tyrone when I see Achille's eyes become blue. Achilles now was glaring at Tyrone and I knew he had a big issue.

"You're lucky he's even here. Why are you trying to push him away when he's right here? Let him explain, you don't even know or understand the circumstances. If you did you'd be much more understanding, I am positive of that." Achilles snaps at him, and Tyrone just glared at him.

Except I saw Norris rush right past our room and I hoped the kids weren't giving him a hard time. Honestly...it was looking to be that way.

"Oh yeah? Then what is it, huh? Amuse me with this one." He folds his arms, glaring at us.

That's when I glance Achilles, and he just looks at me calmly.

"Are you sure?" He questions me one last time, and I nod.

"Are you sure about what-?"

I suddenly see Aurelie rush into the room and just slam into Achilles. Tyrone gasped by such a thing only for us to see Damon rush in too.

"Mommy, he is being very annoying!" She exclaims, causing Damon to shake his head.

"I am not! Aurelie you not let me play with you! Why?!" He cries at her. I look and see Norris at the door worriedly.

I walk around Tyrone calmly, going to Norris quickly. That's when I stand before him and he looked very nervous.

"What happened with them?"

"Damon wanted to play with Aurelie and she said no since he bit her earlier. That made him upset so he started running all over her room and making a big mess. She got upset and started to chase after him...I tried catching those two, but they're on a whole different time scale than me. I can't catch them, and now they ran into here - I'm sorry. I am a horrible babysitter and kind of bad...when it comes to kids in general. I am better with babies...they're calmer." He rubs the back of his neck shyly.

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