Chapter 52: The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

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"On my way, Cpt. Price."

Gaz and Alex were together and are moving to the side avoiding the fight between Maka men and the Shepherd's own Shadow's. It was nest for them to avoid being detected since they don't have the armor or protection of the ODSTs.

"Two targets." Alex said pointing at two Russian soldiers communicating with command.

"I'll take the left." Gaz said moving past him.

They took out their combat knife and quickly slash they're throats they're screams were not even heard as the sound of gunfire and explosion silenced it.

The only person who is not doing anything right now is Price as he silently kill a Russian communication operator and took it's radio. The look in his eyes were rage and fury and still couldn't get it out his head when he heard Shepherd's betrayal. He grabbed the radio and switched to a private channel to avoid being traces to his location.

"Makarov, this is Price. Shepherd's a war hero now." Price greeted the Russian Ultranationalist. "He's got your operations playbook and he's got a blank check. Give me what you've got on Shepherd and I'll take care of the rest." He requested but no reply came from the other side. "I know you can hear me on this channel, Makarov. You and I both know you won't last a week."

"And neither will you." Makarov's voice came from the other side.

"Makarov... you ever heard and old saying... "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."" Price quoted.

"Price, you're gonna find once day they cut both ways." Makarov replied. "Shepherd is using Site Hotel Six. You know where it is. I'll see you in hell."

"Looking forward to it. Give my regards to Zakhaev if you get there first." With that Price cut the line and focused on the objective. He looked forward to see the airstrip just in front him. He took cover avoiding the firefight between the Russians and the Shawdows. He got to the airstrip to see most of the 141 and the ODSTs taking cover and firing back.

"Cpt. Price, I'm here." Nikolai reported as the C-130 landed in front of them.

"Everyone inside. Now!"

The 141 entered first followed by Alpha-9. Buck give the thumbs up to Price telling him they're all aboard. "Floor it, Nikolai!"

The C-130 gained speed as it was trying to takeoff. Bullets then suddenly hits the side of the aircraft and the bullet hole was large. It hits Alex right in the left leg piercing his skin and cutting through his bone.

"Argh!" Alex shouted in pain but was completely muffled as Soap puts a towel in his mouth to keep him from screaming.

"We've got enemies in our tail. Take it out." Price ordered shooting s car with his M203 Grenade Launcher.

Others such as Dutch, Romeo, Soap and Mickey joined Price as they took out the enemies coming from behind them. Buck stayed on Alex's side and quickly applied bio-foam on his leg to seal the wound, but Buck can tell that they have to amputate the leg once they landed.

The C-130 soon took off as Nikolai closed the door allowing the team inside to give a sigh of relief as they managed to get out of the scrapyard with no casualties save for Alex who is injured but survived the minigun shot from the leg.

The only person who is not relaxed is Price himself. Once he seated he kept his Sniper rifle down clenching the rifle tight as his knuckle starts to turn white from the anger his releasing. Most of the 141 knew of Price's past military experience. He already lost soldiers before under his command with recently the operation in Russia of stopping Zakhaev which cost him the lives of 10 American and British soldiers. While the others survived he was responsible for the deaths of those men under his command. Now he lost 4 more men.

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