Chapter 25: Extras!!!!

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Character Index:
(Read after the rest of the book!!! Contains spoilers!!!)

One of the 2 main characters of the novel, Malcom is known for his strength and skills in hand to hand combat. He is destined for greatness.

Fareman is the other main character in the book. He is a darker person with a tragic past. He is known for is stealth and agility. Fareman and Malcom grew up together making them close and trustworthy in f each other.

The prince of Sawlendale is a smart and compassionate person. Elric tries to get along with everyone he can but he also knows who the bad are. He wants to be a good king and change unfair laws.

The Kings second hand man, Godwin is a loyal man with a dark side. He loses his temper many times but redeems his rudeness in multiple ways. He shows compassion for Elric as if he was an older brother. He starts out a grouch of a man and ends up a grouch with a bigger heart. Sadly he dies aside most of the rest in an ambush. The Hero

Henry has many traits like Elric, but he doesn't come from royalty. He was taught how to fight from his family of Christian Monks called the Yorin. Henry is a joyful person

The villain of the story, has a hunger for power. He has no redeeming qualities and no morals. He is responsible for hundreds of deaths and he gets his comeuppance.

The mute archer of the group and the best friend of Godwin, Faulken brings many things to the table. Sadly, the decently smart and kind archer dies right when he warns the camp of the surprise attack. If he didn't warn any of them, more would have died.

A very normal person, William is the guy with connections. He is the smartest of the group and a good fighter. William and Henry become close friends.

The King

The good wizard tries to do as much as he can to help. He gives information and helpful weapons and guidance.

The son of Samuel the wizard. Phillip isn't a very prominent character but he is as helpful as he can be.

The most unlucky person in the story. Alistor looses his hand at his inn and he looses his first mate in his ship. The scruffy Good Samaritan is also Henry's brother.

James, Reegal, and Adam
These three members of the group all perish during various attacks but all die bravely.

Alistor's first mate dies very quickly after he is introduced but he is a good help.

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