Chapter 9: The feast interupted

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Malcom and Godwin helped Faulken drag the dead boat back to the camp site right when the sun had disappeared behind the tree line giving the sky a light purple color. Godwin ordered two men to get a fire set while he prepared the food along side a man named Adam who knew how to cook boar in the "perfect way".

Fareman had set up the tent that him, Henry, and Malcom were going to stay in. Another young man named William also asked to sleep in the tent with the three. William had met Henry in a town on the way to the Sawlendale. William and Henry traveled together and eventually became really good friends.

Fareman told Henry and William to wait outside so he could talk to Malcom in private. Fareman invited Malcom in and then closed off the tent for privacy.

"What is it my friend?"Malcom asked.

"I don't know if I can go through with this. Malcom, for god sake's we could die on this quest!"

"I thought you knew what you signed up for. Fareman, you could have talked to me before."

"I know, I'm just scared. That's never happened to me before."

"You've never been scared before. I cannot believe that. What about Adrian? You were scared and you felt guilty. Fareman, is this about her?"

Malcom was surprised when Fareman started to cry.

"I wasn't scared. I loved her so much. She was the best thing in my life and when she died I died! Every day of my life since, has been meaningless! I hate doing what we do! But I cannot stop stealing! What am I going to do?"

"God, Fareman. She was amazing. I never know what to say but I know this. You are in control of you. Fareman, you can do the right thing and this is the right thing. I will make sure that you will do the right thing."

"Malcom, we've done so many terrible things. I don't know if I can."

"Don't do it for you. Do it for Adrian."

Before Fareman could say something back, Henry respectfully opened the tent.

"Boar's ready. And it's very good."Henry said with a smile.

Malcom looked at his cousin but to his surprise, Fareman had a smile. Fareman's first smile since Adrians death.

"Alright, let's go."Fareman said happily.

As Malcom and Fareman exited their tent they saw everyone else sitting in a circle around the fire. Boar parts were laying in the flame and everyone was enjoying it. Faulken had requested a leg earlier and was sitting with a smile next to Godwin who was making sure Elric was getting his food. Adam looked in with his arms crossed, satisfied with his cooking.

Henry waved to the two cousins to sit by him and Everyone else. Malcom and Fareman sat on the grass and got their shares of the boar. Malcom decided to make conversation with Henry.

"So Henry, do you have a family?"Malcom asked.

"Well I have a Father and A brother named Alistor."Henry said after taking a bite of Boar.

"Alistor! Does he by any chance own an inn?"Malcom asked.

"Yes! In Blackbarrel. Do you know the man?"Henry said.

"Yes, we know him. He's a good man. He sold the inn."Fareman added.

"Wow, he had that for 10 years, why?"

"A raid costed him his hand. He's alright though."Malcom assured.

"I should have visited him on my way."Henry said.

"Godwin, should we be worried by the smoke? Couldn't that attract something?"William said.

Before Godwin could speak, everyone heard a rustling sound around the camp site and within one second. Someone tipped over with an arrow in their upper bicep.

Fareman had been shot and everyone moved insanely fast except for Malcom who was in shock. For Malcom, the one second felt like forever. He wouldn't have moved if it wasn't for Henry who dragged him away from the rain of arrows. William dragged Fareman away from the fire pit at the same time.

That's when Malcom snapped out of it. But that's also when the attackers were revealed. The group were huddled together, pointing their weapons outward. Godwin stood in front of everyone in a protective stance. He muttered me word that everyone heard.


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