Chapter 15; the undead rise

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"James!"Godwin shouted.

But he was too late. He had been completely mutilated and more and more dead rose. Godwin helplessly pulled at the snare but it only got tighter. Henry was using his spear to fend off the undead.
Meanwhile, Faulken, Malcom, Reegal, and Fareman had finally made their way to the field.

"I see the sword!"Fareman shouted as he pointed at a group of rocks with a shiny blade sticking out.

Just then, Multiple dozens of undead started to see the four.

"Get the sword!"Reegal shouted as he swung his axe.

Faulken nodded  and started shooting off his bow. Fareman and Malcom leaped over some rocks and ran passed Henry, Godwin, and William. William was helplessly digging at the dirt around the snare.

But Malcom and Fareman still ran and ran to the rocks. Fareman got the the sword first and tried to touch the handle but was sent backwards as if he was pushed away from it. Malcom touched the handle but nothing happened to him so he pulled the dark blade out of the ground and turned around just in time to see tragedy.

Reegal was being pinned down by 4 of the undead as they started to pull. They pulled and pulled until Reegal snapped in two. Malcom tilted his head away as he snapped.

Faulken, who had by then run out of arrows, had climbed up the outside wall. But as he got on the top, the whole remaining part of the tower crumbled with Faulken on top. A dust cloud covered the whole Area and ruined Malcom's vision. He decided to drag the unconscious Fareman away and out onto the trail.

As he dragged his unconscious cousin he had to fend off a total of 3 undead. Each time his blade touched an undead, it desintigrated instantly. Ash from the undead flew everywhere. Malcom felt terrible when he heard more screams from in the dust but nobody was seen.Elric ran out to Malcom and Fareman on the trail. He was nervous about Godwin.

"Where is everyone else?" He shouted.

"We were attacked by the undead! I don't know if they are alive."Malcom said flatly.

Just then, 3 figures leaped out of the dust. It was Godwin, Henry, and William. Faulken was nowhere to be seen.

"Godwin!"Elric shouted gleefully.

"8 went in and 5 left."William said.

"Faulken!"Godwin shouted sadly.

A man leaped out of the dust. He was covered in soot from head to toe and he had multiple bruises. It was Faulken, but he didn't have his usual smile.

Faulken held up 6 fingers. Godwin limped over to his long time friend and face him a friendly hug. Reegal and James were seen dead but their bodies appeared when the dust cleared but the undead were nowhere to be found. Not even the ones that had died twice.

Everyone was flustered and astonished. Malcom had forgotten what Samuel had told him and he felt terrible but he never said anything.

"I thought it was a graveyard!"Henry said with heaving breaths.

"If it wasn't before it is now,"one of the other men said with a chuckle.

"That's disrespectful! Yates, is it?"Godwin shouted.

""It's Yates."the man said.

"Well Yates, would you want someone to say that if I called your name?"Godwin said.

"No. But you didn't call my name did you?"Yates said.

"You are such a prick!"William shouted as he grabbed his sides.

"You know what, maybe I am. You know what, this whole quest is all in vain. I'm leaving."Yates said angrily.

Yates quickly mounted a horse and they ran down the opposite side of the trail.

"Yates! Yates!"Godwin shouted.

"Well, that leaves us with 10. Shall we continue?"Fareman asked.

"No. We are burying James and Reegal."Elric demanded seriously.

"Elric, we would just waste time. There's nothing to bury."Godwin said calmly.

"But they deserved more."Elric said sadly.

"I believe that after the human dies, the body doesn't matter because the soul has already ascended into the heavens, maybe get I suggest something?"Henry said.

"What, Henry?"Godwin asked.

"We leave after saying some words for Reegal and James."Henry said.

"I'll allow it. 10 minutes and then we are gone."Godwin said with his arms crossed.

Minutes passed without anyone saying anything. Each of the travelers nervously looked at each other waiting for someone to speak. Finally William spoke.

"I didn't know either of them very well but last night, James told me a story about how he always dreamed about having his own bakery and he would have gotten the chance with the money. He was a good soul."William said awkwardly.

There was more silence until Malcom decided to say a few words on the behalf of Reegal.

"I really didn't know anything at all about Reegal but his last thing he told me was to go get the sword. He was heroic and selfless. He could have his and he would have been spared but he didn't."Malcom said.

Godwin looked left to right at his people and then said, "are we ready?"

"Yes, we are."Elric said.

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