Chapter 5: the tournament

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After a few one in one rounds of sparring, To Malcom's surprise, Fareman was chosen to fight with a man named Carrel. Carrel and Fareman walked out in the center and were given wooden swords. The King blew a sound with his whistle and the match began.

Fareman switched the wooden sword within his hands nervously. Malcom watched on in support but he knew that everything was up to his cousin.

Carrel charged at Fareman and swung his sword at fareman's head but Fareman ducked down and rolled away from the larger man. Fareman evaded more and more swipes from Carrel and he also swiped back a few times as well.

Fareman kicked Carrel in the chest and then looked out in the audience. He was entranced by someone he saw in the crowd. Someone who was long dead.

"Adrian."Fareman muttered.

Fareman felt a sharp stinging pain in his cheek as he fell to the ground suddenly. Carrel had beaten him. The crowd cheered and Fareman's unconscious body was dragged away by Malcom and Godwin.

They dragged him fairly far away from eve else and set him down. Godwin quickly left to get back to the tournament.Malcom then gently slapped Fareman to wake him up.

"I saw her..."Fareman muttered.

"What?"Malcom said with confusion.

"Adrian's alive, Malcom. I saw her in the crowd."

"Fareman, I helped put her in the ground, she died. I'm sorry but you have to start making your way to the jewels. They'll know I'm gone. Bury it on the outside wall."Malcom said as he started to walk away.

Fareman stood up and quickly ran to the unguarded throne room as Malcom prepared to fight. Each match was quick and Malcom and one other guy were the last planned fighters of the tournament. 8 victors stood aside of the king. Malcom was given a wooden sword and the other normal sized man was given one as well. But the fighter tripped when he was walking away from Malcom and he lay on the ground screaming. His ankle was broken.

The king silenced Everyone and sent Godwin down the bleachers and Godwin explained things to Malcom.

"It seems like you will be sparring with me. I'll decide weather you move on or not. Ready?"Godwin said.

"Should I answer?"Malcom said with Witt.

Malcom and Godwin grabbed the wooden swords as the audience cheered on. The king waved his hand and Godwin charged for Malcom and the last fight begun.

Malcom had one thought that went through his head. He had to buy Fareman time. He had to last as long as possible.

Malcom blocked each swing effortlessly and swung back a few times. Both men weren't struggling. They were in the perfect balance.

Meanwhile, Fareman sprinted down the halls and came across a locked door. Fareman pulled a pin from his back pocket and picked the lock. Inside of the room was a chest full of gems, gold, and jewelry.

"One chest will be enough."Fareman thought to himself.

Fareman closed one of the chests and prepared to leave but he saw 3 soldiers walking down the hall. He was trapped.

Malcom and Godwin kept the audience enter with their fight but they started to grow tired. Godwin rolled to Malcom's side and prepared to end the match until Malcom leaped over the man and hit him in the neck.

The audience roared with applause and Godwin stood up while gripping his neck.

"He's worthy!"Godwin shouted.

Right as he said those words there was a loud strike of lightning and a sudden downpour. 4 figures then approached the playing field. A wet man was thrown in between Godwin and Malcom. The King silenced everyone and sent most of them away, except for a few royal subjects and knights. All of them crowded around the man. Fareman had been caught.

A Scoundrel's VoyageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora