Chapter 2:the Inn of blackbarrel

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Time passes and people fade
Too many have suffered the awful fate

People die and people change
Many can't handle the cold rain

But some traverse the cold hell of night
Under the spell of courage not fright

Make the evil in the world decay
Leave the night and get to day.

Malcom and Fareman traveled for hours in the downpour with their horses. Their wounds cleaned and their swords cleaned as well. They trotted to the town of Blackbarrel where they planned on staying in the inn.

People rushed and scrambled to get their belongings inside and out of the storm. They looked horrified but Malcom and Fareman couldn't understand why they were so frantic as they were. Malcom and Fareman knocked on the door of the inn, and an eye peered out of a hole in the door.

"You have coins?"the man asked.

Malcom held out a bag of coins and shook it. The distinct sound of the gold, swayed the man into letting the men in. The owner was scruffy but muscular.

"2 coins for tonight, one for each of you."the owner said calmly.

Malcom dropped 2 gold coins into the owners palm and the man immediately pocketed it.

"I will take your horses out back."

Malcom looked around the empty and smelly inn with confusion.

"Fareman, where is everyone?"Malcom asked.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling. A bad one."Fareman said bluntly.

A horse scream got Malcom and Fareman to run outside and around the back, their blades were drawn. They saw the scruffy owner trying to calm down the horses. Fareman's horse kicked the owner with its back legs causing him to fall in a puddle.

"Your horses will kill us all!"the owner shouted over the windy storm.

"What do you mean?"Malcom asked.

"We get raided every night! They kill the ones who make sound!"the owner said as he got to his feet.

"Look!"Fareman shouted with wide eyes.

Men with hoods and swords emerged from the forests and they drew back their bows. The owner put his pointer finger over his lips and the two con men stood quietly in the rain.

The two horses however were shot with the arrows for being loud.
Most of the group of raiders split off into the village but the others approached the inn.

There were 5 of them and Malcom knew that they could handle the raiders. Malcom and Fareman quickly nodded at each other and the owner pulled out a long dagger from his sleeve. The raiders were caught off guard by a scream from the distance. Then the 3 made their move.

Malcom sprinted past Fareman and The owner and swiped his sword down onto the first raider.
The raider's blood gurgling scream was cut short by another slash from Malcom. 2 more of the raiders began to charge at Malcom but Malcom ducked down and Fareman jumped over his cousin and quickly deflected their blades.

Malcom and Fareman separated the raiders for one on one fights. Meanwhile the owner was able to sneak behind a raider and stab him in the cranium. The owner picked up the raiders sword and sparred with the other raider the best he could.

Fareman swung the short blade quickly and fiercely until he hit the sword out of the raiders hand. He then swung the blade into the mans neck and jerked it left, separating his head from his shoulders. Malcom began to feel tired with the fight against his raider but was relieved when Faremans blade was sticking out of the raiders chest.

Malcom and Fareman heared a scream from behind. The owner fell to the ground as the last remaining raider standing above him triumphantly.

"No!"Malcom shouted.

"Calm your self, I merely...disarmed him."the raider said as he threw the owner's hand in the mud.

Then suddenly a man with a crimson cape, iron armor and a helmet that concealed his face, lifted a giant sword over his head and Within one second, the raider was on the ground, in two halves. The man then pulled out a bull horn and blew a sound that vibrated Malcom's ears so much, that his nose bled. The mysterious man walked away back into the woods and the remaining raiders dropped the stolen goods and followed the man as if they were in a trance. Luckily the owner was strong enough to stand up and walk inside of his inn. Malcom and Fareman followed suit and escaped the storm.

"Holy Christ it hurts!"the man shouted.

"Hey, we never got your name."Fareman said.

"My name is Alistor. And I think I will relocate myself to a new town."

"That's very insightful."Malcom said with a half smile.

"I never showed you to your room. I guess it slipped my mind."Alistor said.

"Who was that man?"Fareman asked.

"It is said that his horn can draw the evil away, they call him the rider."Alistor said.

"Which room?"Malcom asked.

Alistor threw a key into Malcom's hand.

"Room one and two in case they come back to take my other hand."Alistor joked.

The three men filled the inn with laughter as the storm finally ended.

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