Chapter 13: The Good wizard

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A small few years before...

A plague covered the land. In one town, bodies littered the streets and more were being dragged out.
A man cradled a dying woman. She was deadly ill and had little time left. They were inside of a small home.

"It's cold..."she said.

"I know. Maybe we should move."he said through tears.

"You always know what to say. I'll miss that."

"Hey I don't know, I think you have a chance."

"You are also a terrible liar."

"You are my sunshine, Adrian."

" are my...rock."She then closed her eyes and went limp for the last time.

3 years later...

Fareman gasped for air as he emerged from the water to find Adam's bloody corpse floating upwards with his eyes open. He had bite marks on his face and claw marks on his front and back sides. He was also blackened by the lightning bolt. He was the most dead a person could be. Fareman dragged the floating corpse and swam to the shore that was 20 meters away.

"Help!"he cried out.

But there was nobody in sight except for Adam's. He dragged Adam up onto the bank and stepped away. Fareman dropped his sword on the damp sand. He saw flashes of light in the distance of multiple colors. Most of them however, were green like before.

Fareman hated the dreary weather conditions that seemed to always follow him wherever he went. Fareman pounded on Adam's chest in vain. Adam was definitely dead and Fareman screamed in anger. He shouldn't have jumped off of the boat.

Godwin trotted along the trail slowly. They went slowly so they wouldn't miss anything.

"Fareman!"Godwin shouted repeatedly.

There was no response until he heard a sudden thwack that landed in his horse. Godwin screamed as his stead fell with him trapped under it. A man with a black hood exited the woods with a medium sized crossbow. He had a swollen nose and eyebrow and blue eyes.

Godwin struggled to get the horse off of himself but the horse wouldn't budge. The shooter laughed and reloaded his crossbow.

"Why did you do that?"Godwin shouted angrily.

"Because it's hilarious."The man said with a yellow toothed grin.

"Are you insane? There was no point in doing that." Godwin said.

"No point? There is every point. Your horse is now food for a week."

"There are better things than horse meat."

"I have to kill you, you know. You'll kill me if I let you go."

"That's preposterous! But do what you must."

"I will!"The man said as he aimed his crossbow at Godwin's face.

Godwin frowned and gripped his dagger and closed his eyes to prepare for death but it never came. He opened his eyes to find A soaked Fareman with his blade sticking out of the other mans chest. His yellow grin faded from his face and he died.

"You need a hand?"Fareman said bluntly.

"Fareman! I came out to look for you and Adam!"Godwin said.

"Adam's dead, bitten like a slab of meat."Fareman said.

"Oh, the first one. It was to be expected. Can you help me with this?"Godwin asked.

Fareman and Godwin heaved the dead horse off of Godwin but it took a long time. In fact it took longer for them to get the horse off of Godwin then it took Alistor to repair his ship and leave the dock.

Malcom and young Elric lead the rest of the group down the trail. They traveled for 2 hours until they came upon a shack made of various stones. Elric stopped William from going in and ordered, him, Henry, and most of the others to wait outside.

Malcom, Elric, and the very quiet Faulken knocked on the large wooden door. The door flung open so quickly that Elric's hand got slammed against the stone. Standing in the doorway was an fairly old man who had long brown hair, a beard, and wore a gray tunic. He didn't look like a usual wizard because he was retired. Samuel looked more normal than Malcom himself.

"I've been expecting you young Elric. And you as well Malcom."Samuel said.

"How do you know who I am?"Malcom asked.

"Because Malcom, I am your godfather."Samuel said.

Elric and Faulken looked at Malcom with very shocked expressions.

"My Godfather? Why have I never met you?"Malcom asked.

"Because Your Grandfather didn't want you to know me unless Vervian's forces became too powerful."Samuel said.

"Can we come in?"Elric impatiently said.

Samuel stepped out of the way for the three to enter. His hut was full of multicolored vials and potions lined up on the wall. There were two desks with folded papers and more potions as well as many weapons that were strewn around the hut. There was also two beds and two more life forms inside of the hut.

The first was a young man with the same color hair as Samuel who was reading a book in a corner with a candle levitated over his head. The other was a gray and white wolf with three eyes. He was sleeping on a bed.

"Who are these people father?"the young man asked.

"Phillip, these are the warriors I have told you about."

"All right, nice to meet you."Phillip said without looking up from his book.

"Your mutt has 3 eyes."Elric said nervously.

"It's a long story for another time."Samuel said.

"So Samuel. The king wanted us to come here for a reason. He said you could assist us somehow."Malcom said with hand motions.

"This will take a long time to explain, so since it is late, set up camp right outside. And before you say it, there will be no attacks during the night. I've put a spell on the area."Samuel said.

Elric nodded and left the hut to talk to everyone about making the camp. Faulken tapped Malcom's shoulder and then pointed at his stomach signaling to the man that they needed food.

"Faulken says we need food and he's right. Samuel, can you help us?"Malcom asked.

Samuel walked to his shelf and returned with a big vial filled with orange liquid.

"One drop will leave you full for 3 days."

"3 days?"Malcom asked as he grabbed the big vial.

"A drop. There are at least 200 inside. Now, the reason you were sent to me was to know how to fend off Vervian. You see Malcom. He made it to where if someone was worthy and had the mark given by the gods, that person would be able to kill him. The only way you can is by finding the dark sword at the ruins of Akasawiji. It's a days trip down the trail. Get the sword ande get out before the dead rise. That is all I have to say."Samuel said proudly.

Malcom nodded and then heard a commotion outside. He sprinted outside and saw everyone gathered around two people. Fareman and Godwin had returned.

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