Chapter 11: The Farling bay

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Henry shook Malcom awake early in the morning. The tent was already being taken down by Fareman who looked better than the day before. Godwin approached Fareman and quickly apologized for his actions the night before. Godwin elaborated on why he lost his temper. He was supposed to watch the prince the whole journey. Fareman sighed and the two shook hands.

Minutes later, everyone was packed and ready to move on. Godwin looked at the map again and everyone moved on the trail again.

They traveled for five more days into the wilderness. Tents were built and unbuilt and no raids or attacks happened. The left over boar was eaten during the five days so no fires were built. They had learned from their mistakes. They also picked up some bread to also have during the days but the next morning was a big change. They were to find a boat at Farling bay.

The group was stopped at the gate by a man who had his chest puffed out to intimidate. He clearly was a new guard.

"Let us through."Godwin said flatly.

"No dangerous business?"The guard asked.

"Not unless we are provoked my friend."Elric added.

The guard sighed and opened the gate for everyone to enter the small town of Farling bay, known for its security, fishing, and boats.

Godwin ordered everyone to stay near the gate with the supplies besides Faulken, Fareman, Malcom, and Elric. Henry insisted to join the group and was allowed. The 6 of the 14 travelers walked down the docks and talking to separate ship captains. The first one politely declined the offer and the second captain threatened to have all of them hanged. But when they were feeling the rejection a man approached the group with another shorter man at his side. They were shocked.

"Alistor!"Henry shouted.

Alistor laughed a big laugh and the two brothers shook hands fiercely. He had a wooden stump that had been mounted onto his wrist that had a blade imbedded. Alistor then spotted Fareman and Malcom and grew even more happier.

"You two! I guess you found me!"Alistor said.

"Why are you here?"Fareman asked.

"I used the coinage I obtained from my inn to buy a medium charter. I make supply runs from here to Trellington. Makes me a good living."Alistor said as he pointed to a medium sized sail boat that had eyes carved on both sides of the bow.

"Brother, can you help us?"Henry asked.

"Of course! I'd do anything for you guys!"Alistor said.

"You need to take 14 men, including us, and our horses and carts to the shores of the dark mountains."Godwin said with his arms crossed.

"Henry, what have you gotten yourself into?"Alistor said with fear.

"I'm helping."Henry said.

"More like gettin' yourself killed! Those mountains are dangerous!"Alistor shouted.

"Please brother, we can make it never again be dangerous!"Henry pleaded.

"The stone."Alistor said as he looked down.

"You know of the stone?"Elric asked.

"Everyone knows of the stone lad, and we know that someone with a special mark can make it pure. But no man has since been found."Alistor said as he scratched his beard.

Godwin gripped Malcom's wrist but Malcom shook his hand off and showed Alistor the mark. Alistor stepped back in amazement.Alistor let out an awkward laugh and then said, "Get your things on my ship. We leave within the hour."

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