Chapter 17: Gone

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Everything instantly went wrong, the first wave of the goblins threw flaming spear and arrows into the camp, killing most of the horses.

Godwin was frozen in shock as he saw multiple combustions and heard screaming. Malcom and Fareman were busy clashing with multiple goblins. Malcom was struggling to hold his own against the 6 goblins who charged him.

A flaming horse screamed and ran away from the camp. Everyone was fighting everyone. And Fareman was tackled by a dozen of Goblins. He pointed his crossbow at a goblin who had a flaming arrow and the whole cluster including one of the carts exploded with fire that sent Godwin and Malcom onto their backs. Malcom was shocked but he didn't see Fareman die.

Elric ran towards the two, in a nervous mess. Malcom soon realized why he was that way. Godwin had an arrow in his chest.

"Godwin!"Elric shouted.

"Malcom, get him out of here... come back in the morning."Godwin said painfully but sternly.

Malcom closed his eyes tightly and nodded his head. Elric shook his head but still ran off with Malcom. They slowly crept away unseen as the rest of the group fought bravely as more and more Goblins came.

Godwin slowly stood up and walked towards more goblins with his sword pointed forward. He could hear the screams of more of his people in the distance. Each goblin charged one at a time but Godwin easily swiped up and down to block and he Jabbed each one in various fatal areas. He had been counting in his head. 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27. Is extremely sharp sword cut through them like butter.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw William get shot in the thigh with a flaming arrow that sent him down. Godwin could also hear Henry screaming from deep in the forest. Godwin was alone. And there were still at least 30 goblins left. Godwin screamed and charged into the pack.

4 hours later, the remaining few goblins retreated away from the camp leaving a terrible mess behind. The fires had burned out leaving smoke behind.

Malcom and Elric returned to the Erie sight heart broken by everything. All that remained was one cart and one horse the goblins hadn't found. Hiding under the cart was Henry and William. Henry had an Arrow sticking out of his collarbone area and William had severe burns on his leg.

"Henry! William!"Elric shouted.

William dragged the unconscious Henry out from under the cart. William had a face redder than the sun. He dizzily walked over the Elric and collapsed to the ground.

"Elric, can I trust you to get them in the cart?"Malcom said seriously.

"I-I think so," Elric said nervously.

Malcom slowly walked into the center of the camp that was littered with dead bodies of mostly Goblins. The first human body he came across was a man that Malcom didn't know the name of. His chest had one large slash from left to right and his throat was slit. Another human who was named Kent was completely burned to death. His eyes were open. But there was no Fareman or Godwin in sight. Fareman then showed up from behind Malcom while gripping his arm. Adrian, his sword, was broken on the ground in front of him.

"You know, what I'd do to Vervian. I'd rip out his heart and show him how black it is."Fareman said flatly.

"Fareman!"Malcom shouted.

Fareman showed off his left forearm which looked like it had been shredded. It looked awful. But not as bad as Godwin who was moaning next to Faulkens dead body. Godwin had 2 arrows in his back and 3 in his front. 2 knives were lodged deeply into his side and back.

"Godwin, No No No!"Malcom shouted.

Malcom ran to Godwin and held his friends hands.

"Elric... Is he-."Godwin muttered.

"Yes, yes!"Malcom shouted.

"You must protect... the boy. He is destined for greatness..."Godwin said.

"But-" Malcom shouted.

"Take the map."Godwin said as he weakly held out the bloody map.

"Alright, but-"

"Shut your mouth! You have to lead them! Call the shots. you."

"You did exceptionally well, Godwin."

But there was no response. Malcom knew the grouch of a warrior had passed into the after life. After all, Malcom felt like it was getting easier. Malcom couldn't see Godwin and Faulken's souls chasing each other as they flew into the sky. Dead, but not gone.

Elric ran over just in time to find Fareman and Malcom around Godwin's corpse. His eyes widened like a child as he realized that the man he had know his whole life had died. He didn't cry because he felt like Godwin wouldn't care for it.

"What are we going to do?"Elric said sadly.

"We go to Arronsville. We still have time but we need to change our strategy."Fareman said painfully.

"I'm sorry about the sword."Malcom said as he walked towards his cousin while stepping over goblin corpses.

"It's all I have left of..."

"I know, do you want me to hold onto it?"Malcom interrupted.

"No, I want it."Fareman said defensively.

"Henry and William are in the cart. I tied a horse to it. Is there anyone else?"Elric asked.

Malcom just looked down and shook his head.

"It looks like we're going to Arronsville."Fareman muttered in his usual way.

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