Chapter 7: the Invasion

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While the prince and the two con men were in the dungeon, Godwin and his friend Faulken saw dozens of approaching Goblins. Faulken sprinted to a mounted bell and rang it loudly.

All of the towns people were used to it and ran into their homes and barricaded them. 

Godwin, Faulken and the few knights stood at the gate with swords and spears pointed at the oncoming Goblins.

"Hold the line! Do the usual maneuvers!"Godwin shouted.

"That's the goblin bell!"Elric said Frantically from inside the dungeon. "We don't have enough men!"

"Let us help."Malcom shouted.

"I do not know."Elric protested.

"You will all die if we don't help."Fareman added.

"Fine, Your swords are on the outside wall of the dungeon."Elric said.

Elric unlocked the cell and the two con men stepped out.

"Stay in here." Fareman said.

Elric nodded and the two men a ended up the stairs of the dungeon. During this, the goblins and the knights clashed and many casualties were obtained by both sides. Godwin and Faulken were the only knights left in the whole kingdom left alive. Faulken ran backwards and used his bow and arrows to take down multiple goblins. Each arrow pierced the forehead.

Godwin decapitated Goblins with his sword and he stabbed others with a spear he had picked up off of another knights body. But more and more came and both of the men knew that they couldn't hold them off much longer. Faulken then ran out of arrows. Fareman and Malcom rushed in front of the two men and then charged at the last remaining Goblins.

To Malcom, everything moved slower except for him. He could divert every attack. Fareman was decapitating every Goblin he faced. Black blood oozed from the goblins when they died. Soon, all of the goblins had died or retreated, leaving the front gate, a bloody mess with at least 30 corpses.

Faulken was in tears and Godwin was respectfully dragging the corpses of his comrades. Fareman and Malcom decided to help remove the bodies. Godwin was not mad at all. He was just blank.

"Elric let you out. They attack every month, we would have to leave at dawn tomorrow. Congratulations thieves, you are not being executed."Godwin said flatly. "Let's get these bodies away from the gate!"

Faulken and the con men lifted the bodies and placed them in a row against the castle. The king and the prince walked out as well as the other winners of the tournament.

"We don't have enough time to prepare, all of you follow me into the map room. We need to find the stone within 3 weeks."The king said.

The cluster of people followed the king into the map room and Godwin locked the door. Everyone gathered around a table with a fairly big map in the center.

"Godwin will take the champions along with Faulken and My son down the marked trails. Samuel lives in a town that the trail goes through. Speak to him for guidance. Then follow the trail all the way to Varley, the port town. Find a charter to get you to the mainland of Dolland. From there continue on the trail until you get to the Dark mountains. Proceed with caution men. It's Vervian's territory and he sees everything through his dark magic. Get to the caves that are within the mountain and you will find the stone. The trip will take days and you shall leave within the hour."The king explained.

"Move it!"Godwin shouted at the champions.

As the champions as well as Faulken left, the king spoke privately to Elric and Godwin.

"Godwin, protect my son with everything you are capable of. He is my air and I love him. My friend, you are capable of this."

"I'll die before he'll break a finger."Godwin said flatly.

"Father, he doesn't have to die for my sake. I can protect myself."Elric begged.

"But alas you are of more importance than I. It's what I was born for."Godwin argued.

"It isn't fair to him, father."Elric said.

"Get prepared son. Leave, both of you." The king said.

Elric and Godwin left the map room and both split away to prepare for the long journey ahead.

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