Chapter 8: Leaving town

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Malcom and Fareman loaded their supplies in one of the two carts and then mounted some horses with their swords at the ready just in case. They were the first ones there.

"I can't believe I got a into this."Fareman grumbled.

"Everything will be fine. I saw the warriors in the competition. All of them will bring things to the table."Malcom said.

"I hope you're right about that."

"He is."Elric said from behind.

Godwin was behind him with armor that was covered by normal clothing. The prince wore normal clothing as well, and Fareman understood immediately why. They were hiding their royalty.

Elric and Godwin sat on the front cart and Godwin gandered at his map until Faulken and the rest of the group packed their things in the cart. 4 of the men got in the second cart and Faulken and the other few got on horses. As Godwin Whistled and everyone started to move down the trail, A young man with dirty blonde hair introduced himself to Malcom.

"Morning!"he said.

"Is it morning?"Malcom asked.

"It's Dawn. Most are still asleep by know. I'm Henry."the boy said.

"I'm Malcom."Malcom said calmly.

"It's a crazy world we are living in. You both fight well. Who taught you?"

"Some one from the past."

"Is he dead?"

"He is to my knowledge."

"Well, I learned from the Yorin under god."

"You learned from the Yorin?"Godwin shouted from his cart.

"Yes sir."Henry said.

"What is the Yorin?"Malcom asked.

"The Yorin is a underground training center for monks who live their lives devoted to god. My father got me into it and I learned the ways of the spear. But I got bored with it and when the flyer of the competition I left the Yorin. I hope this is the excitement I've been looking for."Henry said.

"Fareman, what do you make of this?"Malcom asked his cousin.

"I've heard tales of the underground monks from...Adrian."Fareman said flatly.

"Oh. Alright."Malcom said calmly.

The group didn't speak the rest of the day. They walked the trail carefully until dusk. Since Godwin was in charge of the company, he decided to stop for the night in a small field that existed next to the trail.  Faulken had brought 3 large tents and the other men set the tents up.

Later on Faulken got Malcom and Godwin to follow him in the woods. He nodded to Godwin and Godwin explained things to Malcom.

"Faulken is the greatest bowman I have ever known but he's mute. He was born that way, you understand? No talking to him alright?"Godwin said with a serious face.

"I understand."Malcom said.

Malcom looked at Faulken and Faulken smiled back with a kind face. Malcom knew that he would get along with the mute archer.

"Alright, Malcom. Faulken here is going to hunt for us and we are going to guard him."Godwin said demeaningly.

"Sounds good to me."Malcom said.

As Faulken tip-toed around the brush of the forest with his bow, Godwin continued the conversation.

"I honestly had no Idea you two were stealing from us. I don't know weather to hate you or admire you."

"We couldn't keep a job. So we conned."

"But why? If you didn't steal you would make a fine knight."


"If you survive this, I think the king would let you become a knight. You and maybe your dead-eyed thief of a friend."

"He's my cousin and he is deeper than you will ever know!"Malcom snapped.

"Everyone has their demons, some people know how to control them. Your cousin does not."Godwin said calmly back.

"You are right. But you don't understand, Godwin."

"Well I do not care to understand, all I need to know is that the both of you are thieves that I cannot trust."

Malcom was about to reply when the both of them heard an arrow thwack and a boar scream.

"Time to eat."Godwin said flatly.

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