Chapter 1: Arrows and Daggers

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In days past, the people of the globe did what ever they could to sustain their lively hood. For some it was to pillage for others it was to sell. But for 2 men, it was to con. The 2 men had just left the village of Lakemorr. They played as fake royalty to get things free of charge.

They traveled down south on a trail with their new horses. Their names were Malcom and Fareman. The lords of the con. They played everybody they came across and everyone who came across them. Malcom was a scoundrel who would trick people into letting their guard down. He was the charmer. Malcom had short brown hair and a beard.

Fareman did the stealing. He was the crook. Fareman was quick quiet and unassuming. He looked a lot like his cousin Malcom except he was shorter with curled hair. He had darker eyes and a darker mind. He was without any joy. They wore the normal clothing and had sheathed swords slinged on their backs.

"It's been a long morning has it not?"Malcom asked his friend.

"Yes it has."Fareman said quietly. "More swords to add to our collection."

"We've got a long whiles to get to Blackbarrel."Malcom said.

"We need to find a stream for the horses, they are slowed by thirst."Fareman said bluntly.

"There."Malcom stated as he pointed to a stream that flowed meters away.

They unmounted their horses and tied the leads to a tree. Malcom ran his hands in the flowing water and sprinkled his face. Fareman sat on a Boulder and sharpened his favorite short sword that he had named Adrian after his late wife who had suffered from Smallpox. Fareman was never the same after her passing.

Malcom had lost everything in his early life except for Fareman. In his youth his parents were slain by Pillagers. The two boys were trained in the way of the sword by none other than their shared grandfather. Endless days and nights were devoted to training until their grandfathers old friend murdered him for the suspicion of sleeping with his spouse. That's when the 2 cousins turned to a life of crime and lies.

Malcom heard a rustle from the oaks above and 3 figures dropped down with weapons. They looked like the normal servant class and they had axes and swords pointed at the 2 con men.

"Give us everything!"One of the men shouted.

"Why should I? You have no power over me. Shall I wash your feet as well?"

"We know the lies and deceit you bring to every village. If you do no offer us all of your Valuables, we will report your wrong doings."Another crook stated.

Malcom unsheathed his Iron sword and Fareman leaped off of the Boulder to stand beside his cousin.
The two exchanged familiar looks. They had felt with thrives on many occasions. Every time played out in the same way.

"Kill us, and then take it. If you can."Farman said, pointing his sword at the trio along side his partner.

The left crook swiped his axe downwards at Fareman but his blow was blocked by the man. Fareman pushed the Axe, with his sword, into the nearest tree. As Fareman prepared to bring his blade down onto the crook, the man thrusted a small dagger into Fareman's thigh. Fareman clutched the wound but was kicked to the ground by the assailant. The crook jumped on Fareman but soon realized that he had accidentally jumped on the mans sword. He perished before he could do anything about it.

During this, Malcom was holding his own against the remaining two Crooks. Malcom blocked every swipe and thrust with his blade with grace. The crooks both stepped back and revealed crossbows concealed behind their backs. Before Malcom could move forward, 2 small arrows were thrusted forward. Malcom swiped left with his broadsword, cutting the first arrow in Twain but the second arrow sunk into his wrist.

Fareman sprinted forward and stabbed the second crook with his short sword in the heart. The crook screamed out loud as he saw his own blood spray onto Fareman as he died against a tree. The last crook ran into the tree line out of fear. Malcom threw Fareman the axe that the first crook had used briefly. Fareman steadied himself and, with both of his hands, threw the axe into the crook's back, ending his life.

"Never gets easier,"Malcom said with heaving breaths.

"Never gets harder."Fareman said flatly as he quickly pulled out the dagger and then walked into the stream to wash away the blood.

Malcom sighed and pulled out the arrow. Right as the arrow exited his body, there was a sudden downpour. The rain mixed with the blood and it sank into the dirt. Blood is the one true thing that you can steal.

A Scoundrel's Voyageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن