Chapter 16: Faith

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3 days, they traveled in the harsh conditions. Every day it rained it stopped and it froze. The trail was so slippery that the horse Malcom had been using slipped over and broke its leg. Godwin mercifully killed the steed.

But one late afternoon, they had finally gotten to the foot of the mountain. They were so close but also so far. They took a break in a bunch of trees at the foot of the mountain.

"How long do we have?"Malcom asked Godwin.

"The deadline? 6 days until the attack on home. When you destroy the stone, the attack will automatically be called off."Godwin said.

"Home."Malcom said flatly.

"Do you have a home?"Godwin asked.

"No. Fareman and I have been going from town to town for years."

"I don't despise you two, so I really think you both should stick around Sawlendale for a while. I'll put in a good word."

"But why us? We're scum remember?"

"Scum yes. But scum is not permanent. You both have good sides, selfless sides if you will. Listen Malcom, when it comes down to it, you and Elric are the ones who have to make it. If we get ambushed, you have my permission to retreat to somewhere else."

"Are you serious?"

"Royalty is the most important."

"And you aren't royalty?"

"No, in fact I come from a family of peasants. It took me forever to get where I am now."

"I understand. So what's the plan for us?"

"Well, we are actually stopping here for the night. Faulken and I will take shifts."

"Do you think something will happen?"

"Think, Malcom. We are so close! That bastard Vervian has been trying to stop us the whole way but tonight, we will be prepared."

"What are you suggesting?"

"Well, we prepare."

Malcom and Godwin then walked over the the rest of the group.

"Alright, tie the horses leads to those trees."Godwin said as he pointed to the remaining 5 horses.

Faulken did a fake solute that surprisingly made Godwin laugh as they tied the horses to the trees. Henry, Elric, and Fareman rolled the carts near different trees. Everyone then returned to where Godwin was standing with a map and a small transportable wooden table.

"Good job, good job. Now, I have decided that we should stay here until tomorrow morning. Will that be dangerous. Sure, but not if we are prepared. Faulken and I will alternate watching the mountain, every hour from dusk to Dawn. We have a horn we will blow if we see anything that could be potentially dangerous. You 8 will be asleep in your tents, but sleep lightly and keep your weapons close. Until dusk do what you will. I think if we go by this plan, everything should turn out fine."Godwin said with his arms crossed.

"I'll set up the tents."William said as he limped to one of the carts.

William's leg had a bloody ring around his lower thigh from the snare but he didn't complain about anything. He planted the stakes into the ground first and then the pole second. Henry passed around the food vial to everyone. It seemed to be working just fine, because nobody was hungry for 3 days.

"Do we have a fail safe?"William asked Godwin.

"As a matter of fact, we do. If something goes wrong, we will go to the town directly east of us named Arronsville. Only if we can't continue."Godwin said.

"Ah, well I know a guy there."


"He is a hermit named Leonard. He's not a very kind man. He hates people."

"Well he likes you right?"

"He...tolerates me. I was his neighbor."

"It's getting dark, I'll keep a watch."Godwin said as he slapped William on his back.

Godwin held his hands out and Faulken threw his horn into his friends arms. Slowly the sun started to set and everyone had gone to sleep.

Godwin had traded off with Faulken so he could get some sleep but as Faulken looked out towards the mountain, at least one hundred heavily armored goblins ran down the hill at full speed.

Fareman ran and ran back to camp and when he got into the center of camp he blew the horn. Godwin rushed out just in time to see something terrible. Faulken was still standing but he had a spearhead sticking out of his abdomen. Godwin screamed as his best friend fell to the ground, dead.

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