Heart attack

Depuis le début

What scared me most is that I heard her phone ringing from in the kitchen. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.

"Gran?" I yelled as loud as I could even though I knew I probably wasn't going to get a response.

This time, I sprinted into the kitchen, knocking the chair I was sitting in on the floor. When I looked in there I still didn't see anyone, until I looked on the floor behind the metal table in the center of the kitchen.

My eyes filled with tears as I saw her laying on the floor with a spilled bag of flour next to her.

"Oh my god." I ran up to her and dropped to my knees.

My hand reached back into my pocket for my phone, but I got a hand full of nothing. I left it on the table. I used my arms and pushed myself back onto my feet then ran out the kitchen and over to my phone. I opened the number pad and typed in 911 as best as I could because my eyes were blurry from all the tears.

"911 what's your emergency?" The cop answered.

"It's my grandma," I said as best as I could since I was bawling my eyes out, "I just found her on the floor."

"Okay sweetie I need you to tell me where you are." They said calmly.

"I'm at Grans Bakery... it's in Salt Lake City," I said as fast as I could, "right next to Vincent's drug store."

"Okay, we're on our way. Stay calm." She said.

Stay calm? How am I supposed to stay calm when Gran was laying on the floor unconscious?

I ran back into the kitchen, unable to breathe. When I saw her again, I dropped my phone on the floor and burst into tears.

I sat on the floor next to her and held her hand for about ten minutes while I waited for the ambulance to get here. As soon as I heard the kitchen door burst open I stood up using the little bit of strength I had left.

Three big men rushed over to Gran and me. One of them bent down to check her pulse.

"She's still breathing, but I'm not sure how much longer she can take." He said seriously.

Another man ran into the kitchen with an air mask and a stretcher.

I couldn't move. I just stood there in shock watching them lift her up onto the stretcher and put the mask on her. I was shaking to the point where I felt like I was about to pass out.

A short lady came into the kitchen and ran up to me. I couldn't hear anything she was saying. It all sounded like gibberish.
Finally, she turned me towards her with her hands on my shoulders. I looked at her, but I still couldn't hear or say anything. My eyes were wide, and my breathing was unsteady. All I could hear was ringing in my ears. Then, everything went black.

It's crazy how things can go from being so amazing one day, to what feels like the end of the world the next. Just yesterday I was at the highest point of my life, now I was passed out in a hospital bed.

My eyes slowly opened to see a tile ceiling like the ones at school. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I was cold and dizzy, but I sat up anyway.

I looked around the room confusedly then everything came rushing back. All I could think about was Gran.

I looked to the chair next to me, and the same lady that was trying to talk to me at the bakery was sitting in it reading a magazine.

"Where's Gran?" I asked tiredly.

"You're awake." She smiled and sat the magazine down next to her. "She's in the room next to us."

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