Little footsteps bring her back to earth as she catches a little smiling toddler with curly pigtails in the mirror behind her. She quickly pulls her shirt down and puts on a smile. "Hi, baby girl." Darcy smiles widely as she holds her arms up expectantly, knowing that her mum will pick her up.

"Hi sweetheart,"Camryn grins, picking her up with a kiss against her chubby cheek and then sets her on the bathroom counter. Camryn stands in front of Darcy on the counter and puts her hands around Darcy's tiny bloated tummy. "Guess who gets home today?"

Darcy furrows her brows at Camryn as she thinks. After a few seconds it visibly dawns on her and Camryn can se the joy cross her face in an instant. She squeals. "Daddy?"

Camryn smiles with a giggle and then nuzzles her nose into Darcy's, "Yep! Daddy comes home tonight!"

Harry has been away for two weeks on tour. Ever since Darcy was born, Harry begged management to schedule their tours not all at once and to split them up so that he didn't have to be away from Darcy at months at a time. And surprisingly, the management listened to him. And now, he's never away from his girls for more than 2 weeks. 14 days. That's his absolute limit. The tour lasted from November to December and Darcy and Camryn joined him for all of November, but they came home 2 weeks ago for a pediatrician appointment for Darcy.

It's really the first time that Harry has left on tour where Darcy understands why her daddy is gone and it's been rough on her. Her and Camryn have both been counting down for the past 13 days about getting to see him. 

This time away from each other has been harder than any other time he's been on tour. They're both still grieving and need each other in the process, but it's extremely hard to be consistently present with each other when they're in completely different time zones and on completely different continents.

Camryn looks at her little girl on the counter and feels her eyes well up with tears. It's a normal occurrence nowadays for Camryn to get emotional at the sight of her little girl. She's always been grateful for Darcy. Darcy is her biggest blessing, but losing her other baby has just solidified in her how much Darcy means to her. She gently runs her fingers through Darcy's curls that are pinned back with a pink bow on the top of her head to keep her hair out of her eyes. "I love you, sweet girl."

Darcy grins up happily at Camryn and puts her tiny palms on Camryn's cheeks, bringing their faces closer together and being extremely cuddly, just like Darcy always is.

"Should we go take a rest?"Camryn giggles in response to a yawn from Darcy. She swipes her fingers under Darcy's drooping eyes and then bops her nose gently, "it's nap time and you look so sleepy."

She picks Darcy up onto her hip and tries to forget about the unused stick on her bathroom counter. She wants to take it so bad, but then again there's also something in her that doesn't ever want to know. Because not knowing can sometimes be protection from hurt.

She settles down with Darcy cradled in her arms in the white rocking chair in the corner of Darcy's nursery and gently pulls up her shirt and uncovers her breast from her bra. Darcy immediately latches onto Camryn's nipple and begins sucking, her eyes remaining locked with Camryn's.

"Hi pretty girl,"Camryn whispers, trailing a gentle fingertip down Darcy's cheek as she looks into Darcy's bleary blue eyes. Her feet glide against the carpet as she continues to look at her baby girl. She's in awe of her. She always has been. The fact that something so perfect could be half of her and half of the man that she loves most in the world will never cease to amaze her.

She's always loved breastfeeding Darcy, but she loves it even more since the miscarriage. Not only is it uninterrupted alone time with her baby girl, but it also gives her the opportunity to talk about her thoughts and biggest fears.

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