Silence, With An Unexpected Turn

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"..Sometimes I order to move on, you need to Let go.."

Chapter 26

After the past few weeks, everything had seemed to go right into place, Don, Leo, Mikey and Raph had decided, well, Leo had decided that they'd be friendly hostess, and help me return my stuff back to my home.

Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoy having company, but the only one I really wanted to ask questions to, was Raph.

He, on the other hand, wouldn't talk.
If his brothers wanted to talk to him while I was around, he'd just simply grunt in response and shake his head; depending on what the question was, to Specify is head shaking.

Once again, don't take things that would normally go to offence, Mike had been incredibly happy his Hot headed brother had simmered down, only to a few yes or no questions, a few grunts here and there.
And just a simple head shake, Leo and Donnie were just as concerned as i was, and biggest effect of all.

Me, it effected me a ton, all in all, Raph was my best friend, let aside London, him and I had a very weird bond, but we managed, all until new years. Which had changed dramatically.

Raphael barley spoke, like I had mentioned before, and no; no I don't know why.
All I could tell somebody who usually talks to him, was a simple croaky voice;

"I don't know.."

And that was all, he walked around the lair, when I was there, as I witnessed.
He'd silently walk from the kitchen, the dojo, the kitchen again, and then to his room.
Without uttering a single word to me.

I haven't mentioned this to London, because I know well enough, I'd probably never be able to talk to him again.
Meaning; she'd chop his head off with an axe.

And that, is so, not a lie.

But, ending off the saddening topic of Raphael.
It still continues to snow, and snow, and snow.
Making it colder, and colder, and colder in the sewers.

Best place to make your home, Kitara.
Good job, A for effort.. Even though effort isn't spelt with an A, as I'm concerned, i really don't care.

It honestly felt like the months just, flew by.
Well, only one month, really..
January consisted in silence, Leo and Mike had visited often, seeing how I was doing.
And Donnie, he checked over at a little rate.
But this visit, I wasn't expecting at all.

Just like any other day, I'd sit on the mat, in the middle of my home.
Constantly meditating, if not that, i'd be bored out of my bloody mind.
Which, this time I was meditating, when my visitor had come in.

"So, your the turtles pet, She does look, very emotional, what happened darling, one of them dump you, like the trash you are?"
A females voice sneered, making my eyes flash open.

Now, to be brutally honest, this girl had to much makeup, and some funky looking hair.
Lots of piercings, and a weird bone wolf, thing, standing on her right, smirking.
While a fish, with robotic legs, stood on her left with the most gruesome look on his face, maybe even worse..

"Yes, indeed she does look, very emotional, Karai. Why don't you say, we put her out of her misery?"
The fished laughed manically along with the wolf, who had a lustful look to murder me right here and right now.

"Well, If you'd like me to be honest, No, I'm not emotional, you bloody idiot, in all honesty, I'm perfectly well and alive, thank you for visiting Mc Donald's, I don't think you need the food right now." I concluded, making Karai's eyes widened in shock, her mouth falling agape and she looked absolutely stricken.
Take that, foot princess..

My heart felt like it was shot with an arrow there, the little nickname I was oblivious to call her, until now.

It was Raphael's nickname for Karai.
The boys usually spoke of the 'footclan'. Leo usually wondering out loud of the group would come out soon.

Well, Leonardo, your lucky day, She's standing right in front of me.

I could see the wolf's eyes widened, along with the fish as they silently chuckled, Well, so much for your faithful partners in crime, huh?

"You idiots! Don't stand there, master shredder wants her, so grab her!" She shouted, ripping her katana from her sheath and pointing the shiny blade towards my direction.

It took a few seconds, but the two mutants ran at my direction, jumping across the too small of stones for their feet to hold them up, making them crash into the water.

"Oh, don't slip now! Did I mention I just lathered butter all over them? My bad."
Of course, the 'i lathered butter all over my stepping stones' wasn't true, I just wanted to tick them off more.
And well, I guess it worked.

"AARRGH!" The wolf bellowed, pushing his soaked bone body from the water stream and thumped towards me.

"Argh me' harty! Te' weather is frightful! Ain't it?" I choked back a laugh at my lame comment, i guess being alone for awhile, without anyone to talk to, makes you go stir crazy.

(Please tell me you laughed at this..)

"You think that's funny? I'll show you funny! Come here you little brat-- AHA!" I shrieked as he grabbed my stomach area with his large hands

"God you stink! When does the groomer come, God take a bath, trash can!" I snapped, wiggling my hand free from the grasp of his own.

Clenching my fists together, the Fire from the torch shot out, startling him as he stumbled back, as well as my feet landing back onto the ground from being dropped.
And that's why kids, you should always have lit torches in your house.

(I'm just kidding)

But, sometimes all good things come to an end, I felt something hard smack the back of my head. My body crumbling down to my knees, while i slumped over.

My vision was blurry, yes, but I could make out Karai holding her katana, like the hilt had hit the back of my head, the cake face -- my new nickname for her, because of the over amount of makeup a girl should ever wear-- smirked at her accomplices as they chuckled with amusement.

She leaned down towards my ear, whispering the words I didn't quite exactly want to hear;

"Master shredder will be glad to see you, And Raphael won't be able to help you, night night, elemental freak."

And just like that, something slammed to my head, my surroundings spinning into darkness, the only little thought I could muster was simply

'I hope she's wrong..'

Okay Sav, your a bad writer. Gj
Please don't touch a keyboard.

I'm sorry, this was bad.
I had a whole situation for Kitara to beat the tar out of Rahzar and Fishface...
But I thought she'd be to over powered...
OH! To clear this up, Karai is my queen, I love her so much, so if any of you thought I didn't like her, I'm sorry xD
Uhh, up top is a Rahzar edit I made awhile ago, because I can. 💁
I'm going all Canadian white girl on you omg.
Before I kill you with my insane talking, I love you all so much!
(This was meant to be posted on like, Friday or Saturday.. Whoops...)

Peace Out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
Savatage Out! ✌️
Love You forever and ∞

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