Love Advice And Story Telling

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Chapter 16
(Just a reminder if I miss spell words I'm sorry, I don't often recheck things, and sometimes my eyes don't see the mistakes correctly!)

~-~Raphael's POV~-~

"I know it sounds pathetic, and something that Don would probably do, but I'm seriously in need of this advice though.. I.. I don't know what to do! London can you PLEASE help me.." Yeah, I'm begging, but in this case I'm going to need to!
She looked at me unamused
"Seriously Raph? Why didn't you just play 21 questions or something, ask her what she likes and dislikes! Seriously, your so desperate." She laughed shaking her head in disbelief
"But sure, what do you really want to know?"
A spark inside my body lit up and I smirked
"Anything that'll be useful." I stated confidently making her grin evily.
"Her full name is Kitara Elizabeth Nöel." She started but continued
//You might know Nöel is a French for Christmas.. Soooo shush xD//

"Her favourite colour is the darkish shade of purple, her favourite food is bananas, she prefers non-bratty children, her biggest weakness for a guy would be their rough personality, but can be caring when they want to be, she's also attracted to unusual colour eyes.. Hmm.. if you made her choose between dogs and cats, she'd choose rabbits.. Justin timberlake is her spirt animal, she hates things that are uneven, and if you were to switch a picture frame upside down she'd notice and fix it straight away.. Hmm, Oh! She can only drink root beer, or any light coloured pop, she hates Pepsi, coca cola and Mountain Dew.
And i think.. That's it!"
Every new information that she told me stuck into my brain immediately.
"Any, pick up lines or somethin'? For example, how to ask her out on a date.. Any heart wining ways?"
She giggled "Yeah, just be yourself, she doesn't like guys who pretend to be different, so just be you, Oh and so use frozen references! She obsessed with the movie!"
I smiled slightly and laughed
"Thanks London.. I'll Uh, talk to you later?" I asked, but what surprised me was when she shook her head no,
"I'm not done yet mr! Kitara is incredibly shy at times, and doesn't like to go places with a lot of people in the area.. Making situations more awkward will start to get her nervous and want to leave..
Get her some flowers, lilacs are her favourite and just something simple.. A picnic? Or take her somewhere.. romantic, doesn't matter how sappy and lovey dovey it is, just listen to my advice! She hadn't experienced love, but after watching a lot of romantic comedy's I'm pretty sure the methods are stuck in her brain.."

I nodded "Anything else I need to know?" She grinned happily
"Well.. I have a pretty embarrassing story.. Wanna hear!"
I laughed, shrugging "Yeah, why not."
London squealed happily
"Okay okay! So this is what happend!"

| Around April Last Year |

A regular day in New York occurred on the thirteenth of April, two young ladies walked along the grey side walk, one incredibly bored out of her mind, while the other bounced happily down the street wearing the largest smile in the entire world.

"Ooh ooh! We can go to the mall! And then we can totally look for hot guys! Eeeek im so excited! So--OOF!"
The tallest girl was cut off accidentally coming in contact with a tall stranger, his height was taler than London herself, the boy had sun kissed skin, pale red lips while having a head full of blonde shaggy hair and deep brown chocolate eyes.
The purple haired girl who had come with her friend immediately felt flustered, the voice she once had seemed to seize in her throat, the young boy looked at Kitara wearing a charming smile, but soon faced her friend.
"I'm really sorry.. I was just thinking, are you alright?" The boy looked towards the called girl extending his hand.
"The names Felix, I apologize once again, for bumping into you both, what are your names?"
The bubbly girl smiled and spoke cheerfully.
"My names London!"
The boy smiled and looked towards the purple haired girl.
"And yours?"
Flustered Kitara couldn't speak, the boy was gorgeous!
London had started giggling
"Common kitten, tell the pretty boy your name!" London spoke as if Kitara were a toddler, blush crept onto Kitara's pale cheeks
"U-Uh.. My n-names um... K-Kitara.." She mumbled looking down at her feet scuffing her foot on the ground while her friend laughed
"O-oh my gosh! This is.. BAHAHA!"
London laughed obnoxiously loud clutching her stomach, Kitara getting frustrated stormed off, leaving her friend with the boy.
What had felt like hours London had returned to Kitara shaking her head and smiling
"You were SO into him, Ha!" Kitara clenched her fits now able to speak once again
"Shut it London! I'm not in the mood.." Kitara grumbled walking off faster than her friend.
"H-hey! Wait up!" London called to her friend quickly running after her

We both broke into laughter
"S-she was s-so shy! It was hilarious!" London sputtered laughing and clutching her gut while I soon recovered I shook my head
"She doesn't seem shy anymore.."
She shrugged at my conclusion
"She changed, her vocabulary getting larger.. Speaking more sophisticated.. It's kinda like I lost my shy, quiet book worm of a friend... Well she still reads books.. But not as frequently." I frowned patting her shoulder
"It's alright, got anything else to tell me before I head out?"
She smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, Raph------"

Okai I updated, my friend begged for this to happen, with Raph coming and asking London for help.. Soooooo.
Enjoy Miss BreezyLovesBen
I'll be trying to write during school tommarow and then updating! So this will just be a one chappie.. But I'll try to fit another one in tommarow or something, don't fear! I shall be here!
Hey that rhymed!

I hit 1k reads :-O
Well along time ago..
But still! That's something I'm really happy about!
And thank you people who have been reading, commenting and voting! Your somebody worth melting for.
Peace out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
Sαναtαgє oυt!

(P.S did you enjoy my crappy edit? x3)

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