TruthOrDare, Shopping And A Old Friend

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Chapter 24

"Truth." I said smirking and smiling evily.
Raph and I had decided to play truth or dare, because of the long time we'd be walking, and because I was bored.

He groaned shaking his head in annoyance.

"You're always picking truth! Pick dare or something." I shrugged not changing my answer, he sighed

"Fine, Do you like all the things London likes?" I laughed shaking my head no
"Not really, No."
He grunted
"See! Look how easy that was to answer!"
He complained crossing his arms over his chest glaring at me.
I giggled

"Truth or dare, Raphie."

He gave me the 'are you really asking this question?' Kind of look and i laughed harder

"Okay, I dare you, when we make the food later on tonight, to just scream at the top of your lungs 'KITARA IS MY BESSSSTTTTIEEEE!'"
I knew already he would disagree, but it was worth a shot.

Laughing I waited for his answer, he furrowed his eyes together shaking his head

"Nope, I'm never going to say that." He grumbled turning to look ahead of us.

"Truth or dare, Kitten.. Or should I say Chicken." He smirked turning back to look at me.
I smiled
"Dare, Oh Raphie-poo!" I exclaimed poking his nose as I laughed at his scrunched up nose, but his face turned back to normal, smiling evily.

"When we get back, I dare you to kiss one of my brothers, On their face of course!"
I chuckled, jumping up I pecked his nose, seeing his eyes widened and a red shade coming onto his face

"W-what was that?" He asked in disbelief eyes widened as he blushed furiously, only making me laugh harder.
Quickly i made my face look all 'poker face' looking and I fought back a smile.

I just stole a kiss, and what are you going to do about it?"

(Vine.. >:3)

He just looked at me in disbelief, shaking his head we returned to walking.

"Truth or dare, Raph"
"Oooh... The great and powerful Raphael is doing a petty truth Eh?"

He laughed giving me a shrug
"Yeah, so what.. You did it, why can't i?" I giggled shrugging also.

"Hmm, truthfully tell me, who do you like?"

He seemed to tense up at that question, because regaining himself and clearing his throat
"U-um.. Here we are!" He exclaimed quickly jogging towards the ladder, making me freeze in front of it.

"Oh come on.." I mumbled my eyes widened looking up at the tall ladder shuddering.

Raph scooped me up again, and carrying me to the top onto the streets.
"There ya are, kitten." He chuckled as we both returned to walking.

"You still never answered me." I said looking over at his face getting redder and redder, I cocked my head to the side slightly

"Raph.. Are you alright?" I asked hoping he wouldn't have a mood change and snap on me.

He sighed shaking his head
"Nobody, Kitten.. And I'm fine."
He mumbled quickening his pace, but I still jogged to keep up.

"Oh, alright.. Sorry I asked then..."

He only nodded in response.


Raph ended up staying on the roof top above the grocery shop, waiting for me to come out.
But man, customers in NewYork on Christmas Eve day, man they can be total a$$ holes!

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