Broken Toasters,Drums And A Crazy BFF

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Chapter 17

Kitara's POV

A loud ringing sound filled my ear drums, groaning I pushed the soft fabric protectively over my head trying to block out the sound.
There was a series of coughing and shouting.
"GAH! LEO WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT USING TOASTER! NOW I HAVE TO FIX IT AGAIN!" A voice yelled While the next replied at the same loudness
I grunted slowly slipping out of the best of sheets placing my feet on the cold ground, I shivered hugging myself tightly.
Slowly I moved my feet towards the door grabbing ahold of the small silver nob and twisting it.
Making my way down the dark hallway into the large open space, a grey smoke filling my nose, I tensed up slightly my eyes widening
"A... A...a... Aachoo!" A high pitched sneezed escaped my lips, and suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and hug me tightly, looking closely i realized a orange fabric was tied around the persons eyes, I laughed returning the hug
"Oh my gosh dudette it was sooooo boring without you here! Never get hurt again! Never ever!"
Mikey exclaimed squeezing me until I could almost assume my longs were crushed.
"M-Mikey! I-I can't breathe!!" I gasped and he quickly released giving me a sheepish grin
"Sorry Kitara.." He said rubbing the back of his neck making me laugh
"Hey! How you feeling Kitara? Your head hurt at all..?" Donatello appeared from behind Mikey I shook my head no
"Nope, I'm perfectly fine! What was with all the yelling..? And a broken toaster?"
Leonardo blushed embarrassingly
"Uhh, the toaster and I don't really get along very well.. And it kinda broke.."
"Yeah and I'm the one who has to fix it!" Donnie groaned taking the small metal box into his lab, stoping he turned to me flashing me a smile
"Talk to you later Kit!" And with that he was gone, leaving me with Leonardo and Michelangelo.
"I'm going to meditate.. I'll see you later Kitara" Leo was next to leave the intersection waving he entered the dojo and disappeared.
When I turned back to Mikey he was already at the TV playing his video game, I laughed shaking my head and made my way to the kitchen where the black smoke had evaporated.
Standing on my toes I reached and grabbed a bowl from the top cupboard, pulling it out I sat it on the counter top.
Next was the cereal, opening the handle from the cupboard I grabbed the lucky charms before pouring them into my bowl, placing them back into the shelf I closed the door.
Grabbing a spoon from the cleaned silver ware and placing it beside the bowl, stepping by the fridge and opening it by the silver handle, k grabbed the milk and poured it into my cereal filled bowl and placed the milk back into the cold boxy refrigerator.
Jumping onto the stool I ate the food in front of me, hunger seeping from my body.
Now being finished my food I placed the bowl into the sink, twisting the grey nob letting the water pile into the bowl washing the leftover milk out.
Twisting the nob to stop the down pour of water, I walked out of the kitchen in search for something to do.
Leonardo had said he was meditating so I probably shouldn't bother him..
Donatello is to busy fixing something..
Michelangelo was to into his game to talk to me.. And Raphael.. I haven't seen him since he brought me back upstairs, well if you would really count that as seeing him, I rarely opened my eyes.
I sighed making my way to the stairs, and down the corridors towards Raphael's room.
Opening the door slowly, I walked in admiring the room once more as when I first saw it.
My eyes caught the drum set on the corner, I shut the door quickly and made my way over towards it.
I ran my finger along the silver metal that outlined the edges of the redish drums, I smiled sitting down on the black leather chair picking up the brown wooden drum sticks i lightly brought down the drumsticks smacking them against the tightly held plastic making a soft 'thud'.
I smiled continuing the same thing over and over, soon tapping the other drums for what seemed like forever.
"Yer' pretty good at playin' drums, Kitten." The rough accented voice filled the room, I quickly turned my gaze towards the entrance of the room.
"R-Raph! I Uh.. I'm sorry! I was just, really bored.. A-and I umm.. I really wanted to play them.." I mumbled blushing embarrassed rubbing the back of my neck, he laughed.
"It's alright Kitten, I'll teach you if you want?"
I smiled nodding quickly
"If it's not much... Could you?" He laughed once again and nodded making his way over towards me.
"Sure Kitten, I don't mind."

∞~∞Raphael's POV∞~∞
<Back At London's Place>

"Yes.. Raph if you DARE mess with Kitara's heart ILL SKIN YOU ALIVE AND THROW YOU OFF THE NEW YORK BRIDGE! BUT NOT BEFORE I RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB UNTILL YOU SUFFER SO MUCH YOU WONT BE ABLE TO CRY FOR HELP!" London screeched pointing her finger in front of my face.
Now you won't believe me, but let me tell you, this girl is SCARIER THAN SPLINTER WHEN HES ANGRY!
I threw my hands up in defence
"Alright alright! I wasn't going to! I swear!" She glared at me before resting into a smile
"Alright, I trust you Raphael.. With my best friends heart.. So scat! Go go! Get working on your looooovveee.." London chooed smiling as she shooed me out the window
"OH! Wait here!" She tossed me a silver heart locket, opening it I found a picture with a small girl, light purple hair and a shy look on her face.
I raised my eyebrow but soon realization flooded through me.
"Is that kitten! She's so.. Little!"
London laughed and smiled
"Kitten? Aww, you have a little nickname for her too! Aww that's so CUUUTTEEE!" I rolled my eyes, heat rising to my face.
"Alright, I'll see you later London, thanks for the help." And with that I left, hearing a last 'good bye' from London before I was out of range from her house.
I really hope this advice works..

Alright, like missy Kitara?
I'm sorry I can't get another chappie in.. But my mind is poof.
And I've got ALOT of school work to do..
I'm so sorry!
Thank you for the people who vote, comment and are incredibly amazing to me (:
You guys are amazing!
Peace out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
ѕavtage oυt!

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