Terrible Nightmares And A New Bond

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Chapter 10

A white field of daisies surrounded my small structure, birds chirping and a beautiful blue sky.
I sat up slowly wondering if this whole thing was real, I could of sworn I had fallen asleep at my turtle friends lair, but I wasn't fully sure with this sight. There was a breeze of wind up cool off my warm body from the sun beating on it, the air smelt almost like something was burning.. My eyes flashed towards the area where the wind could of picked up the sent, my eyes widened when I saw it.
A forest fire, so large that you couldn't see over it, nor around it..
From the smallest frog to the largest bobcat darted from the firey hell the erupted their home, the one thing that finally caught my eyes.. It looked like a giant turtle, with a dark Crimson peace of fabric upon their eyes, I knew that person, that mutant..

I gathered onto my feet as quick as lighting, and using that adrenaline to power my feet towards my turtle friend, he looked up with a pleading look in his eyes.
"Kitten... Help..." His hoarse voice called towards me, begging me that I help him out of this heated oven, that pushed my further until I got right in front of him, i gripped his hand and tugged him.
"Come on Raph! We need to go.. You'll die..." I cried frantically trying to convince all his strength to run
"Please Raph! You can't die.. I-I need you.. Please!" I screeched once more pulling him along quickly as he staggered along behind me until we were far enough away from the flames, he collapsed to the ground still holding my hand.
Quickly my eyes looked at the fallen turtle below me I fell to my knees tearing up, "R-Raph.. P-please don't go!" I begged tears streaming down my face but he wasn't breathing, no longer able to tell me everything is alright, he was gone.

I shot up from my night mare "Raph!" I screamed putting my head in my hands as I cried, the door was thrown open a neon green wide eyed turtle looked at me in alarm, he shut the door and ran towards the bed "Kitara! What's wrong.. Why are you crying?" He asked frantic for an answer, I sniffled looking at Raphael teary eyed, I rubbed the tears out of my face "I-it was horrible.. I-I-I thought y-you died.." I sobbed, and what surprised me by far, he wrapped his arms protectively around me soothing my sobbing to just sniffled as I kept my arms wrapped around his shell my face near his neck I kept my eyes closed, "C-can you stay.. Here.. For the night Raph.." I asked my voice muffled by his neck he shuddered but nodded afterwords "Yeah.." He mumbled peeling the blankets apart and settled down, my body close to his, my head nestled by his chin my legs curled up slightly, he hesitantly wrapped his arm around my figure and sighed pulling the blankets up so it covered my body up until my neck, I sighed softly my eyes soon closing and my body shutting down, until finally did I go into a peaceful sleep without nightmares.
~~~ Sweet And Pleasant Dreams ~~~
I was awoken with something softly tugging at my hair, My eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal Raphael what felt like braiding my hair, I giggled quickly looking at the focused turtle, his tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration making me smile.
A few minutes later the tugging finally seized, I took the opportunity to feel the back of my head, the long braid went tightly down to my waist, my smile grew as I turned to Raphael he was looking hopeful rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly
"You like it..?" He asked
I smiled "Nah.." I started, his eyes saddened sadly "Oh.." He mumbled I lifted his chin up to look me in the eyes "I don't like it, I LOVE it" I laughed as he joined in,
"Well I'm glad you like it, Took me forever to finally figure out how to do that.." He stated proudly with a smirk he lifted me out of the bed and soon put me on his back for a piggy back ride, jogging down the hallway and slowly making his way down the stairs without being caught, I stayed on his back a smile on my face.
"Good morning Raphael, And miss Kitara. How did you both sleep?" The Elderly calm voice asked, we turned around to face him.
"I slept wonderfully Spinter, Thank you greatly for having me in your home." I tried to talk respectful, but the way we greeted him was pretty awkward..
He chuckled "It is my pleasure young one, a very skilled lady like yourself is definitely welcome in my home anytime, Raphael training is canceled for today, you boys may do what you like today, I should be in my room meditating if you would like to speak with me, Good bye Kitara."
He finished his speech, leaving me to say goodbye, I smiled "Goodbye Spinter, Have a great day."
Feeling satisfied with my reply he turned to me from the paper door "And the very same to you, Young one." And with that he disappeared into the room, hearing another door open and close I giggled turning to down look like Raphael, who was looking at me "Man, you were so formal with sensai.. Soon he'll be expecting it from us.." He said sarcastically as he soon joined me in my laughter.
"Well, you two are sure happy.." He tired voice stated mater-o-factly behind us, turning around once more we faced Leonardo.
"Hello Leo, Good morning!" I chirped happily, he chuckled "Morning to you too, Kitara.. and Raph." He moved his way towards the kitchen soon out of sight.
I cocked my head to the side, "What's wrong with him.."
I muttered loud enough only for him to hear.
"Probably heard you scream last night, and woke up.. Or just didn't sleep last night, that might be it too." He chuckled shrugging, "Eh.. You hungry?" I shook my head, "Nah.. But I'll go with you to get your food.. Because I'm not stupid, I can't hear your stomach." I laughed looking down at the turtle seeing his cheeks flush in embarrassment, soon going back to normal he grinned, sliding off his back he walked with me into the kitchen to see leo eating a apple and reading a book. "Aw, great now the happy train is coming to a close in here.." Leo complained sarcastically with a grin, Raph growled grabbing a bowl and pouring some lucky charms into it, I smiled evily as he soon turned to get the carton of milk, I picked out some of the marshmallows and popped them quickly into my mouth just before he had turned around, leo choked on his Apple seeing me do that, trying to keep his laughter contained.
Raph shot him a weird glare "What's so funny, fearless." He snapped, leo didn't even flinch.
"Oh nothing.. Nothing at all.. Don't worry about it" he smiled, Raph growled turning back around to grab a spoon, I soon shoved handfuls into my mouth making my cheeks puff up with all the food I had. Leo bursted into laughter, and Raph quickly turned back seeing the sight of my puffy cheeks I tried not to laugh, the ends of my lips curved into a grin, he looked at me, eyes wide "YOU CEREAL STEALER!" He shouted soon running towards me I tried to scream by my voice was muffled from the cereal, quickly chewing as I ran around the couches with the large turtle chasing me holding a spoon in the air like a pitch fork.
Soon Leo, Mikey and Donnie had come out watching the scene unraveled before them, I had finally just finished the cereal and I panted for air "Gahhhhhhhhh!!" I yelled tripping on something and falling on the ground, shielding my face waiting for the impact, but it never came..
Slowly opening my eyes I had been swooped up my Raphael just in time to avoid being smothered by the floor.
"Nice catch" I congratulated him with a smirk "Ha, I practice." Replying sarcastically with a eye roll, my smirk turned into a full grin until I was thrown onto the couch, Raph jumped over and pinned my arms down.
"This is for stealing my breakfast.." He smirked now moving his fingers up my sides as I broke into a fit of giggling "N-no! N-not ticking! Ahh!" I screamed with laughter..
"Do you surrender?" Raph asked pinning my arms down looking at me questionably.
"Y-yes! Just don't tickle me!!" I squealed and he released my arms sitting down on the couch pulling a comic book off the couch and flipping it open, I crawled over beside him looking at the comic, reading it over and looking at the cartoony characters, he flipped the book as soon as I finished now reading the next page, and the next, and the next, and the next..
"You bored, Kitten?" Raph asked look down at me, I finished the last little box and looked at him giving him a small shrug "Doesn't matter.. I like reading" he replied with a smile, he rolled his eyes shutting the book.
"What do ya' wanna do?" He continued to ask what I wanted to do.. A small little idea popped in your head "can I go steal makeup from London and put it on your--"
"No." He cut me off crossing his arms "ANYTHING but that." He grumbled
I smiled "Show me what YOU do, or what you usually do." I concluded our little argument with a grin, he didn't look at me but I could see the smile on his lips "Alright. Let's go" he agreed and started to walk down the little side way thing, and jogged up the steps were Splinter had went.
he vanished into the room not waiting for me "H-hey! Wait up!" I called running after him

|----------------| |----------------|
Well what's Raph gonna do.
Show her the dojo?
Possibly some teaching?
Well, I'm doing a little chappie rush and writing three in the car ride and posting them today.
So enjoy the next two!
Hope you enjoyed this one :)
Later dudes!
Peace out DJ Sprouts.
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
ѕαναтαgє συт!

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