Waking Up

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Thank you, enjoy the chapter.
Chapter 34..
Splinter's Perspective

My sons are quite.. Distant.
Yes, I would describe this situation with each of them, incredibly distant and less talkative.

As a father, I am meant to guide them respectfully and fill their bodies with hope, that everything will once and further more.

Be alright..

So, as Michelangelo had once described my parenting skills.
I had become the 'kick ass' father like they had once said.

"Leonardo." I had stated, raising a brow towards my son who sat cross legged in front of the blossom tree in the dojo; that had beginning to become wilted and shedding its pettles.

Due to my eldest sons sitting position, he had rapidly allowed his eyes to flicker onto my being.
Watching my son's tired eyes search my own, Leonardo had sighed and faced the ground.

"Hai, Sensai.." He mumbled, curling his hands into light fists and placing them into his lap.
Exactly how every beginning training session had went.

"I would like for you and your brothers to exit the lair, and to go patrol the city." I hummed, my fingers also curling and to be placed on the lower area of my spine.

Leonardo had glanced up, almost in disbelief.
"But sensai, she's still asleep! We can't leave, or well.. Raph can't, we can't go." He had stammered, his ocean blue orbs filled with bewilderment and caution.

"I will not take no as an answer, Leonardo. You're brothers and yourself will be leaving this home, I'll take care for the child." Sternness had been laced with every bubble of words I had uttered out, eyes locked onto my son with a slight frustration to them, with a hint of kindness.

Leonardo held my glance briefly, before sighing; muttering an 'Okay..' As he exited the dojo and stalked towards the laboratory.
Where Raphael had been located.

A few loud shouts were echoed from Donatello's work area, my third eldest son had erupted quickly from his dwelling quarters, a nervous look in his maroon eyes.

"Donatello, fetch Michelangelo for your nightly patrol." I stated, returning to stand at the entrance of the kitchen, facing my son to watch my remaining two sons exit the laboratory.

Raphael had departed the area, his neon coated orbs filled with irrational rage.
"Master, splinter." He had snapped, stopping in front of myself, his emerald tinted skin coloured palms clenched into tight fists.

I had raised my eyebrow, my head tilting slightly as I encouraged him to continue, Donatello had left the area to retrieve Michelangelo like I had requested.

"You cannot make us leave our home, she's still recovering, what's goin' to happen if she wakes up?" Infuriated, my son had ranted about the precautions of his beloved waking up earlier than expected.

"Then you shall return with your female companion fully operational."
Sensing the slightly panic in his eyes, flustered and unknown with what remark to respond with; my son had aggressively walked off towards his bedroom to fetch his training gear.

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