Trouble In The Sewers Part(2/2)

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-Kitara's POV-

Bend right hand down.. Left arm extend and bend slightly..Flick!

The water raised above the river in a little circular bubble floating in the air, letting little amounts of water drop into the solid river water that was in the stream

I moved my hands slightly breaking the bubble into smaller bubbles, and then motioning them to go straight upwards and..BAM!

The water turned into little droplets dampening my hair slightly

I heard the sound of clapping come from behind me.. I turned my body to be looking strait at the turtles and a.. Rat? A mutated rat.. Maybe this is their father they talked about

I bowed rising upwards to look at them once again

"Nice to see you again Boys.. Here to introduce if me to your father Hmm?" I asked with a smirk on my face crossing my arms, they nodded

The rat chuckled "no child, it was me who had wished to meet you, not my sons dragging me here.." I couldn't Help but let out a little laugh

"I see.. Well it's quite an honour to meet the rat who taught them everything" he seemed to smile at that "A very mannered teenager.." He glanced at his sons "maybe you could learn a thing or two my sons."

I laughed "would you like some tea or something to eat? I'm guessing it's a long way from your lair to mine."

Mikey's eyes lit up happily and he nodded frantically, earning a smack from his hotheaded brother.

I chuckled and gestured for them to follow me into the kitchen

They followed me closely not wanting to slip and fall

"Help yourself to the food.. And I'll get the kettle boiling."

Immediately Mikey went foraging through my fridge and pantry looking for food.

Which to my surprise I had a lot of.

I set the kettle full of water on the stove and flicked the switch making a little 'Tick' noise telling me that it's starting.

I slid onto the stool I had around my island table looking at the four boys munching down on food, while the rat look at me

"What is your name child?"

He finally spoke, "Kitara. And yours?" I replied simply with a smile

"Hamato Yoshi, or Splinter as my sons call me, that is also a very extraordinary name.." he finished complimenting my name making me smile

"Thank you, I appreciate your compliment Splinter, if you don't mind me asking.. What was the reason you asked to come visit my home?" I finally spoke what was on my mind.. Wanting so desperately to know why he had a desire to come here.. "My sons had mentioned to me about your special abilitiy, how long have you been able to use it?"

I thought for a moment before answering "Since I was little I guess, around when I was 4.. Some boy had made me angry and I guess my first element that came to contact with me was air.." I said simply

He raised his eyebrow "and what happend to the boy you speak of?" He asked amused by my small story "eh.. He only picked up a severe concussion." I chuckled nervously rubbing the back of my neck, that made the boys look at me with wide eyes, oh yeah there so afraid.

The rat chuckled "well I suppose my sons now know not to get on your bad side" he grinned, and I laughed but was interrupted by the click of the kettle going off saying 'Yo I'm done' I got off my chair and pour his tea, bringing the sugar and milk to the island and setting it down..

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