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Hey-lo dudes.. My friend had convinced me to write a new book, so I did! :D

Not sure if anybody will really want to read this.. But some feedback from time to time on my chapters would be useful!

I'll try to work on my grammar and spelling, not wanting to confuse you guys:) I'll also be trying to post often after I come home from school because school is a pain in the butt-hole.. Anyways why don't I introduce the main characters of this book, and give them a little bit of a description :)

«Frequent Character you'll be seeing»


Pernounced; "KI-TAR-A" the I in her name doesn't sound like the I does.. I really don't know how to explain it..

Anyways here's Kitara's description!


Kitara is a young female girl, young as in 15 years old.. Has light purple eyes and the variety of colours that also represent her emotions (like her outfit)

She has a best friend named London.

Kitara is about 5'6 which makes her friend tower over her.

Her personality is shy at first, but once you get to know her she's quite a loud mouth that can make you laugh a lot, she's likes to be formal to people she meets to impress them.

She aswell has two very unordinary powers; her first power includes being able to control the four elements (Water,Air,Earth and fire) But sadly can only control two of the four (Air and Earth.)Her second power is being able to shift back and forth into her turtle form and human form (which she uses her human form more often than her turtle form) her abilities to use the elements also change her outfit that she wears from her emotions..

Sad/upset: Dark blue dress that is about knew length, with ruffles at the bottom.

Angry: A bright red dress that looks about the same as the blue one.

Scared/nervous: A light violet dress that also looks the same as the blue dress.

Calm/relaxed: A emerald green dress that falls a bit over knee length and also looks like the blue dress.

Embarrassed: a bright pink dress that looks like the blue one ONCE AGAIN but has sparkles near the cleavage area.

And she also lives in the opposite side of the sewers away from the guys.


London is also the same as her friend Kitara (Age wise), but lives about ground because she thinks the sewers where her friend lives is both disgusting and unsanitary.

She towers over a lot of people in her grade and has been since she was little, so around 6'2.

Her personality includes; being loud, Adventurous, short tempered, and just all time hilarious.

She's more out and about than her friend, participates in lots of outdoor activities and loves being around wildlife..

She aswell has been given a power that's been forced onto her, mutation..

London is half human and half wolf, hiding her abnormal ness she wears a beanie and keeps her tail hidden easily.    

Her stamina has been raised because of her wolf ability, aswell as an amazing sense of smell.

She has blue eyes and long brown hair that's length is mid back, with blonde highlights in it.

Others include;

Raphael Hamato

Leonardo Hamato

Donatello Hamato

Michelangelo Hamato

Hamato Yoshi

^-^ you know those people obviously :3

Hehe thank you for reading this introduction! I'll be posting a little bit later, got family over and gotta talk to em'!

Keep calm and stay a ninja!

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