A Twist In The Walls

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My apologizes for not updating, I'd like for the people who read this book to read throughly into the authors note I'll be writing at the end.
Thank you, have a great day.
Chapter 29

Happiness is being surrounded by the people you can enjoy it with the most.

While you might enjoy being with your ordinary friends, laughing aloud and sharing daily gossip about how recently One direction had a departure of their precious band member, going to a late night dance club and finding that 'some-what-special-someone'

I on the other hand, like to spice it up a bit.
I mean, as fun as it sounds to have an ordinary life, that's just to boring.
Well, it was after I had met my very own un-normal friends.

Take one of the four in particular, Michelangelo has a bubbly attitude filled with the most useless things inside his head, but he's a good guy non the less.
He was the first thing I'd pick to spend on an island for and entire year with.

"And why are you talking about an island?!"
"Your not making any sense!!"

Well great sir, spending the torture of hours without something to keep me laughing until I can't breath, adding my own spark to the lively conversation we've had, that would be exactly the reason why I'd like to pick Michelangelo for the first contestant to join me on an island of crap.
Why am I talking about an island? Because I'm proving my point of sanity, so hush child.

The next thing, or person, would have been Donatello.
Donnie and I, we've had it rough.
And to have us specifically go onto and island with Mikey, well, I'm going to need a great smart brain to tell me whether or not my choices of which fruit is editable, and which is not.
So, yes to answer your question, Donatello is a reasonably safe person to have on an island with his young kiddy brother.

That's the second thing that can make me laugh, I still have three more.
Skipping aside the other two brothers, I'd rather include my best friend to the mix.

London Clark.
A snarky girl who has it bad with her attitude.
Step inside her personal bubble and try to have a tickle fight with her, yeah.
Your God damn done for.
You might want to have a change of underwear, because you would then and there, wet your pants from how scary she can get.

Now that the crazy bit is over, London would be the number one necessity I'd need in order to be alive today.
She can most definitely strangle a vicious jungle tiger if she had the right approach to it.
She can bring me food, and I can give her a nice hug in return.

Next on the plane to insanity island, would be Leonardo.
The wise blue banded turtle could do nicely with his twin katanas in attempt to slice open a coconut for a good drink.

He'd keep everyone in line, with a strong attitude he could easily assist London in bringing a good meal back.
Along side physics making a large enough hut that won't collapse over when we sleep, yeah, he'll be a good help with Donatello for that.

Last but not least, probably the person none of his brothers would have included, Raphael.
This over grown red hot turtle, can most likely be the first to go insane, with Mikey attempting to swing back and forth like Tarzan on a vine, yeah he's going to kill him.
Despite that aside, Raphael would be good company for me, since we did get along more of the time than his brothers could..
And he could just make a pretty good life raft and take me with him.

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