Chapter 73 - Such different fathers

Start from the beginning

- I am Kadir Shishmaz, Defne's father. Nice to meet my son-in-law.

Omer did not shake hands. He looked at him with an impenetrable, icy expression on his face and was silent. Kadir dropped his hand and hurried to say goodbye:

- All the best! Defne, I was glad to see you.

She did not answer and silently waited for the man, listed on her birth certificate as a father, to leave. The puppy whined and buried its wet, cold nose at her feet. Defne mechanically stroked it and raised her eyes to her husband. Pain and confusion splashed in them. Omer took his wife by the hand and squeezed her fingers tightly, silently promising care and support.

- What did he want? - asked.

- He said he missed the children. But that's a lie! Mr. Kadir didn't care about us as we were small. For fourteen years he did not remember our existence, and then he suddenly flared up with paternal feelings!

"Maybe he really rethought everything and realized what he had deprived himself of," Omer suggested cautiously, but Defne shook her head desperately.

- Not! He is a soulless monster. I do not know why he appeared, but nothing good will come of it.

Omer hugged her and pressed her cheek to his chest.

- Calm down, - he asked. "I won't let anyone harm you. All the more so for this mister Kadir. Let's forget about this meeting, and let's not darken our day with anxiety. See what beauty all around. We are together. The baby is healthy. This is the main thing."

"You're right," Defne agreed.

But feelings did not obey reason. She drove away disturbing thoughts, but they stubbornly returned and reacted to the soul. She was also worried about her family. After all, this bastard can go to them.

Returning from the walk, Defne fed Emine and, leaving her with Omer, went to call Serdar.

"Father is back," she said without greeting.

- And came to you too? - exclaimed the brother.

- What do you mean, and to you? - asked Defne. - He was with you?

- He was. A week ago, - admitted Serdar.

- And you were silent ?! - she was indignant.

"I put him out the door and ordered him to stay away from our house," he explained and apologized in a guilty tone: "I'm sorry. We didn't want to disturb you. You are our nursing mother. You don't need negative emotions."

"They're not needed, but there's no escape from them," Defne sighed resignedly and asked: "What did he want?

- To see the children. He missed us, you see, "Serdar said ironically. - Showed up with a doll. Can you imagine? Can't count, or has no idea what fourteen-year-old girls are interested in?

"More likely the second," Defne said sarcastically. - Mr. Kadir knows how to count perfectly. What do we do?

"Ignore him," his brother answered firmly. - Ignore. He will spin here for a couple of weeks, understand that there is nothing to catch and disappear.

- Allah grant, - Defne whispered, but her heart was restless. Feelings squeezed the chest and made the heart contract painfully. The dream did not go out of her head in which her father took either Emine Diana or Esra. Two precious children that Defne loved more than life.

She went to the window and stopped, looking at the green lawn, the bushes of blooming roses, and the turquoise surface of the pool. Beauty, which she always felt keenly and admired, receiving great aesthetic pleasure, has now become invisible to the eyes and heart.

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