Chapter Fifty-Four: Mopping Up

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Silvia and her husband were about to make a daring plan of escape when fortune struck in their favor for once. They were liberated from their chambers by the servant Nick, a Fen named Jan, and oddly William Ingeri. After some close calls they were able to get Sigmund out of the palace through the secret passage. She was nearly certain the story he and Jan had concocted about the war was a flat out lie, but there'd be time to discuss the issue if they lived. For now her concerns were with Simon.

She gripped the antique sword in her hands, navigating the corridors of the palace on the way back to the main hall. She had just passed the kitchens when she ran into the one person she hadn't wanted to see, Leon. The old knight looked tired and in a rush. It took him a moment to register her presence but he wasn't surprised when he did.

"What are you doing here, your majesty? It's not safe," he said wearily. His hand twitched at his scabbard but he didn't draw his blade.

His held the old sword defensively in front of her. "Now you care about my safety?" she spat. "While you threaten my family and plot to steal the country out from under my husband!"

Leon's armor creaked as he took a step for and produced his sword. He held it in straight posture as if to block an attack. "I don't want to kill you, Silvia. I didn't want any of this, but you're in my way. There's something I need to take care."

"What could be so important?" she asked insistently. "Is it my son? Where is Simon?"

He sighed. "I heard he'd come to palace. Haven't seen him yet, but he's in the throne room with the others. Now if you please." He made a gesture for her to move aside.

She couldn't take him with the old sword she had. It'd been years since she held any blade besides. If it were a fight she could avoid, then best to avoid it. She carefully edged out of the way, pointed the sword in his direction as he passed. Leon continued onward at a brisk pace before turning to face her one more time.

"Whatever you're doing, don't get yourself killed, Silvia," he said sadly. "Whatever happens, I never wanted your family to get hurt. I only wanted the Empire to be stronger." He raised a fist to his chest and saluted her before marching off in the opposite direction.

He'd face the consequences for his act of treason, she was certain. Though part of her wanted to forgive him, the rest of her couldn't. It was difficult to reconcile the kind old knight who'd kept watch and company for all those years with someone who'd been able to betray their trust at a moment's notice. All those times he'd stood sentinel during there private engagements and for all she knew, he could've been feeding information to their enemies.

Right as he was about to turn the corner toward the boilers, she called out to him. "Leon! The Empire be strong again! When my husband is restored! I hope you live to it!" He paused for the briefest of moments before continuing his way.

Silvia stood there until he was out of sight, shortly afterward a voice called out to her.

"Psst, your majesty, over here," a voice called out from near the kitchens. It was Clovis, the Flame Weaver who served under Adelais, a Flare. He was beckoning her from the kitchen door, so she quickly made her way over.

The kitchens were a large cavernous area with many stoves, ovens and some dry storage space. There were people gathered inside, mainly servants, a couple nobles and the cooks who where dishing out some food to the assembly. Clovis presided over a small group of Flame Weavers, half of whom were unconsciously or rather out of it.

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