Chapter Thirty-Four: The Return

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After a long and arduous journey, Drake was almost grateful to see the walls of Aldus rise before him. They were greeted at the eastern gate by Inquisitors. He was worried for a moment that they were there specifically for them, but it soon became clear that this was just an additional security measure which had been implemented in their absence.

They returned the carriage to the stables and Drake said goodbye to the horses. Unfortunately for him, that meant the he was once again saddled with the luggage. They pressed onward and eventually they had to part ways with guards as well. They bid fair well and promised to catch up after Drake had passed his tests. The city was more subdued than when they'd left. Everyone was going about their business as usual, but something seemed off. The bakers were baking but their wares didn't smell as sweet. The merchants were peddling but they seemed to lack enthusiasm in their sales pitches. The blacksmiths were hammering but their forges didn't feel as hot. It was as if some cloud hung over the city.

Drake, however, wasn't really considering that. His mind was more on the fact that walking on stone streets with all that luggage was more of a labor than he recalled. It was especially delightful given the crowds that seemed be ever increasing the further into the city they got.

By the time they were nearing Central Square, he could see the smoke rising and a foul smell was in the air. Festus gave him a shove and turned him around in the opposite direction.

"Maybe we should go another way," he said in an anxious tone. Drake tried to complain about having to take a longer route, but his mentor insisted he needed the exercise.

"Being a good Flame Weaver requires physical as well as mental discipline," Festus explained.

"And that's why you're in such good shape," he retorted sarcastically. He was worried he was in for another smacking, but it never came. Festus just muttered something about how he was in great shape and was just on the turnaround toward a more robust lifestyle.
As they continued along their way, Drake spotted a familiar Fen with a scar on the left end of his face. Jan was better dressed than usual and accompanied by a few associates. He looked more downcast then last, they'd seen him, but he perked right up when he noticed their presence.

Festus groaned as Jan jostled his way over to the crowd. He tried to rush Drake along, but the Fen quickly caught up with them.

"Hey guys, didn't know you were back in town. I still owe you that drink, old man," he greeted. He sounded cheerful enough, but it didn't feel all that authentic.

"I suppose I could be persuaded. I'm more surprised you haven't been arrested yet," Festus snorted. Jan fidgeted nervously and gave very thorough inspection of his shoes. The Flare grinned evilly.

"By the Spark! You did! That's why you're all dressed up. You probably just got out of court and that's why you're so dressed up," the Flare said with a smug chuckle. Rather then admit his shame, Jan locked eyes with Festus and gave his own smile in response.

"Laugh it up, old man," he said. "But you should know that Sara ditched out of the city before the Inquisitors showed up. So, the Fiery Lute is closed down."

Festus looked like he'd just been stabbed in the gut. The Ember could practically feel the disappointment radiating off his teacher. It would have been a good time to comfort Festus and show his care for his mentor at having lost his favorite drinking spot. Instead he joined Jan in another fit of laughter at the old man's expense.

"Stuck being his servant again, kid?" Jan glanced at the heavy burden he'd been saddled with. Drake nodded. "Well don't fret. I've got worse problems. If you want that drink, Festus, stop by the Sickly Moon. There are certain parties that may enjoy a visit from you."

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