Chapter Fifty-Three: Simon Says

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The young Ember was feeling rather put off by the numerous ordeals from the evening from being threatened with death, wrangled into a political conspiracy and yelled at.

"Don't take it personally," Adelais said, trying to multitask between instructing Simon on proper tea brewing techniques and Festus on lighting the signal. "My dad's always like that."

He meekly nodded and ran his hand over the stone Jan had given him earlier. He'd been evasive about what it was, and this concerned him. It wouldn't do to be caught with some stolen or contraband item in his possession. He also had no idea what Jan had meant about the stone helping with pyromancy, but it was oddly warm to the touch. The temperature was entirely inconsistent as well, one moment soothingly pulsing with warmth, the next so scalding hot, he had to fling his hand from his pocket.

"Feeling a bit tense?" Simon asked, handing him a cup of tea.

"Uh yeah, that's it," Drake answered, taking a sip and savoring the exotic flavor. "But how are you doing? You're the one with all the pressure on."

"I don't know," his friend replied thoughtfully. "Just a little while ago, I was ready to take over, and now we know my parents are still alive. I'm worried something will still happen to them but if we can stall long enough for Nick to get them out, they'll be safe."

"Right," he said reluctantly. He had doubts about how safe the Emperor and Empress would be on the outside given the city's state, but wisely choose to keep them to himself. He was also unfamiliar with Jan's friends they were going to see and how they could possibly help. He'd also have to ask Hiro about how Blair fit in with all this when he got the chance.

He tried to calm himself by finishing off the beverage, but it only seemed to heighten his already growing anxiety. He glanced over at Festus. His mentor's face was unreadable as he set about lighting a signal over the great iron cauldron in the center of the Sentinel's Tower. He didn't know why Festus had become so invested in the situation. He got and stood by the older man.

"You sure you'd rather come with us than wait up here with Adelais?" Festus grumbled. "I don't expect there to be a warm reception when we get to the throne room."

"I'm going with you," he said firmly. "Somebody has to make sure you stay out of trouble. You've got the whole research project to complete."

"Of course," Festus snorted. "And I suppose you can do a better job of it than the prince. People have been trying to 'keep me out of trouble' for decades. It never works."

"He's right," Adelais chimed in. "The old man's not worth your trouble, boy. I thought you would've abandoned your fool hardy research by now. I'm surprised they're still funding it," she scoffed.

"I'll have you know, we're on the verge of a huge breakthrough," Festus answered with a smug air. "But I don't need to justify myself to you. Don't worry though, when I make it big, I'll be sure to remember the little people."

She didn't have an answer. Drake still had some uncertainties about how successful Festus's new transportation project would turn out but was happy to be included. Before long Festus's efforts with the cauldron resulted a large blinking fire of varying color. Adelais had agreed to keep the signal going for a time after they left and then join them. She wasn't up to full strength but had regained enough faculties for a little pyromancy. If their enemies still assumed, she was out of commission, her presence could make for a nasty surprise on their end.

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