Chapter Thirteen: Revelations from an Emperor

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Back at the palace, the situation had become unsettling. After finding the emperor had gone missing, Silvia had set about ensuring the information was kept quiet. The only ones who knew were those who were present, Adelais, Simon, another flame weaver named Blair, and Leon master-at-arms of the Phoenix Guard. He was a large older gentleman with a thick mustache. He still wore the plat armor which had served him as an Inferno Knight but with a crimson cloak emblazoned with a golden phoenix across it draped over his shoulders. Thus marked him as part of the Emperor's elite bodyguards. He been serving since he'd left the knights at the war's end and had also served as guard in Low Town during his younger years, before Silvia's time.

He'd been in the library when Sigmund had vanished. Leon explained how he'd been standing with his majesty in the library when the emperor had sent him to fetch some old book, but when he'd returned, he was gone. Most of the group seemed fairly concerned by development but Adelais appeared more annoyed than anything.

"Is the man not free to move around his own home?" she asked, pointedly.

The empress sighed. "Nobody is saying the emperor can't do as he pleases but it's important that, if anything, at least his guards should know where he's at, especially given how tense everything has been lately," she responded.

"That may be true, but I'm confident, he's safe here, if anywhere," the Sentinel Flame stated. "It's not like an assassin could slip in here past our detection," she scoffed.

Silvia clenched her mouth shut to avoid making a bitter retort to the woman's lackadaisical response. She had wanted to speak with Sigmund and if the guards couldn't find him, there was a problem. She had some confidence in their security but it was not a time to grow complacent when there were potential breaches.

"Pardon me, your majesty," Blair spoke up. "I do think that you are correct. A security issue is a possibility, I can assist in the search for your husband if you'd like."

Silvia considered the elder's offer. She sensed no malice in the old woman but having additional people, particularly a Flame Weaver she didn't know, involved in this, didn't sit well. The fewer people involved, the better.

"No, thank you," she replied. "Perhaps, it would be best for you to return to the Sanctuary."

Blair seemed oddly reluctant to head out. However, this was somewhat understandable given her age and the general unrest in the city. Getting all the way back to the Sanctuary could be difficult for her but it wouldn't do to have her stay at the Palace presently. There was also Simon to deal with. He would likely want to go back with Blair but at this rate it might be better for him to remain.

"I can head home if that is your wish," Blair said with a bow.

"I wouldn't want to cause you any trouble, but yes I do wish it," Silvia said. "Could you also inform your superiors that Simon will be spending the night." She turned to her son, who quickly nodded.

Though he was hesitant to leave until they located the Emperor, Leon agreed to call up a carriage and escort Blair safely back to the Sanctuary. Before departing, she agreed to keep quiet about the situation. One less problem. Once those two were gone, they set to finding Sigmund. Silvia went to the living quarters while Simon double checked the library. Adelais did a sweep of the Palace while discretely informing her subordinates to keep an eye open for him. It was her who eventually found the emperor, relaxing in the captain's office in the guards' headquarters. He didn't seem all that uneased about all the trouble that he'd caused, and this only made Silvia even more frustrated. It was time to have a talk.

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