Chapter Nineteen: Finding a Lord Mayor, Part II

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    Silvia took dinner alone that evening. Her husband had already retreated into the library. She was sure he'd eaten something earlier based on the servants' accounts. Apparently, he'd wandered into the kitchen about an hour prior, ordered some food, chatted up the staff and scarfed down his meal before going to his usual spot. This left her to sit in the dining room by herself, going over some papers. Well, she wasn't exactly alone. The old guard, Leon, stood resolute in his crimson cloak at the other end of the room. His hair was frayed, and his mustache was askew. He couldn't hide his exhaustion. He'd been following her all day and now had to stand by while she dined on roast pheasant and minced frost potatoes. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and not from the food.

Though sturdily built, he was nearly her father's age and time kills even the mightiest warriors. After fighting in the war, Leon had chosen to retire from his work with the Inferno Knights and serve on the Phoenix Guard. His honorable title of Master-At-Arms meant he was often training the new recruits. His actual guard duty was mainly ceremonial, but he gave every indication of taking it very seriously. Most Phoenix Guard were engaged in protecting the palace perimeter fortifications and the gatehouse. Some were guarding other important site around the Empire. Twenty had been sent west with Owin. Protecting the personages of the Imperial family was usually a dull and thankless job.

Silvia finished up her meal, motioned for wine and decided. "Why don't you come have a seat with me, Leon?" The guard walked over slowly, his armor clanking with each step.

"I suppose I can rest my old bones for a few moments, if you wish your majesty," he replied. The empress nodded and he cautiously pulled up a seat. Leon tried to hide the contented to sigh he gave at being able to rest and out of courtesy she pretended not to notice.

"I know it's been a difficult few days for you. I wanted to thank you."

He nodded. "I'm not as young as I used to be. Things are don't come as easily as they once did and lately, I've been noticing it more and more," replied Leon, his eyes downcast. He reached for a bowl on the table and grabbed a piece of fruit.

"If you need some time off or more suitable duties, that can be accommodated," she suggested.

The aged guard clenched his fist uneasily. "I don't think that'll be necessary. Most times this job isn't so bad. Lately, it's been rough, but it's been my honor. Besides, I have I feeling it'll be getting easier soon," he said.

"I hope you're right," the Empress said wistfully. "There is something you can do for me though. I'm planning to head out for a few errands on the morrow and I was hoping you could arrange a guard."

"I'd be happy to escort you anywhere you need to go, your majesty," he cleared his throat with conviction.

She waved a hand. "That won't be necessary. I was just hoping you could find some guards who could be discreet. This is a sensitive subject and besides I'd feel better knowing you stayed here looking after my husband."

After finishing off the fruit he'd been munching, Leon rose from his seat and agreed to arrange the situation as she'd requested. He didn't seem very enthusiastic about it though. She hadf some guilt in not taking him along, but she was being sincere about him being at the palace to watch Sigmund. Which brought her to another matter, finding her husband. Once Leon had set off on her orders, she set about her own task.

The last place he was spotted was the library. She asked some servants and they had indicated the he was at his usual spot. Silvia made her way in that direction. She entered. The imperial library was maze of old bookshelves, the collected tomes Cevarius family had accumulated throughout the centuries. Silvia rarely ventured into the library, mostly because she rarely had the time. There was a wide volume of tomes, including numerous subjects from the great wars, to the rise of the empire, even some dating back to the early days of humanity and the Flame Weavers. When she had been younger, Silvia even perused some translated Fen works that were stored there. The old ship longs from imperial naval captains had always been her favorite. Some had been relatives like Old Falco 'Eagle Eyes' Navalia who'd first contacted the Star Stone Isles and others were heroes like Red Lena, the first woman to admiral the Imperial Fleet during the Second Great War.

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