Chapter Twenty-Two: At the Crossroads

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The journey was not going exactly as Drake had hoped. Thus far things had been painstakingly boring. The first night had been the most exciting by far and since it had slowed down. They'd spent the next several days traveling southward, occasionally stopping for Festus to teach him some obscure point of pyromancy or preach to some locals about the keeping hope in these troubled times.

Their nights were spent either in the chill of campsites, some generous individual's home or a local Flame Weaver's if there was one. Though Drake often had the floor on such night's the benefit of warmth he didn't have to create and a homecooked meal beat sleeping out in woods.

This afternoon, the weather was once again grey and frosty. They'd stopped for a short rest and some lunch, but Festus had decided to take the opportunity for another lesson. Normally much of his teaching consisted in some boring lecture or meditative exercise but today they would be doing something more practical.

Festus gathered an orb of flames in his palm and chucked it at a withered old pine tree.

"Now focus and do the same," he instructed. "For beginners it generally helps to imagine throwing a ball or a small rock."

With a huff, the acolyte gathered a ball of fire into his hand. He made a tossing motion, only for it to sputter out a few feet in front of him. He did so again and again until with a mighty thrust of his arm, the flames managed to lick the tree.

His mentor nodded with slight approval and instructed him to repeat the effort until the tree was ablaze. With a sigh he raised his hand once more and after a few more attempts was able to strike the tree once more. Eventually he was able to hit the target more consistently and after nearly an hour of exhaustion, the flames were starting to lick their way up the tree.

Festus glanced over and smiled at the work. "Now I want you to put it out," he said evilly.

"Are you serious?" Drake whined. "I don't even think I know how to do that!"

"If you don't do it, then there's gonna be a forest fire," Festus Shrugged, as he went to go sit by the wagon and watch. "Remember, even though the flames are on the tree, they're still part of you, like your own limbs. Learn to control it!"

This wasn't particularly new information to him but understanding a concept was not the same as applying it. He extended his hands toward the tree and inhaled deeply focusing the flames engulfing it. His face grew red as he willed the consuming blaze to die down. He seemed to be making progress but a noise from the woods distracted him and flames began to rise again. He extended his hands once more, but it was too much.

"I suppose I'll have to show you how a master does it," his mentor grunted, rising from his seat. Festus stared down the burning tree and lazily raised his hands. In an instant, tongues of fire flooded from the branches and flew threw the air. Their guards paused to watch the spectacle. The flames continued to be sucked from the tree and sored through the air in streaks of orange and crimson until it lay bare. The flame flew directly into Festus's outstretched palms and compressed into two fiery orbs which he then clenched within his fists, snuffing them out.

He gave a smug grin and turned back toward the wagon.

"What are you waiting for, old man? Applause?" Oberon called out. "I've seen better. You could've put out the fire without such a spectacle."

This earned him a nudge from Greta and some choice words about respect from Zak, while Festus merely muttered about how nobody appreciated his talent anymore. Truthfully, Drake was amazed at what had just happened. The level skill such a technique took was far above what he was currently capable. Of course, he wasn't going to tell Festus that, but the astonished look he gave after display probably said it all anyway.

A Light in the Darkness Book: The Moonlight Murdererजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें