Chapter Fifteen: The Departure

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N: I own none of the YouTube clips

Drake's day flew by after Festus told him to pack. Simon seemed glum and Hiro had begged to be taken along. He was summarily rejected as he owed a punishment to serve in the library. He whined as Simon dragged him back into the book stacks. Drake just rolled his eyes. The least he could do was take his burden with some honor. It was a hassle and he still had sore arms from all those books after diadem incident, but Drake had owned up to his mistakes. Mostly because Festus always caught him. Regardless, it wasn't his problem. He spent the afternoon hanging around Nadia and the twins as Kaitlin had gone to help Hiro with his work.

His friends managed to keep anyone else from pestering him, but his worries weren't over yet. The lingering thought of his exam was ever on his mind. One meditation session hadn't been enough to put him at ease nor had it given him the skills he'd need to pass the test. He'd put some faith in Festus but couldn't shake the inner doubt. His mentor always worried about his own personal ambitions and now was only motivated to teach by the threat of losing those. He'd set his path and there was no going back. By bedtime, his mind had settled enough to get some semblance of rest.

Drake awoke the next morning to banging on his bedroom door. He rubbed his eyes and quickly robbed himself before answering. This time it was Festus, standing outside arms crossed with a sour look on his face. He apparently had also gotten a better night's rest as the rings under his eyes had receded.

"Did you get enough beauty sleep?" He taunted, clearly judging Drake's disheveled state.

The young acolyte gave him a winning smile.

"I could use a few more hours maybe and then some breakfast in bed," he said half-jokingly.

Festus just gave him a light flick on the side of the head and instructed him to quickly get freshened up. They were expected at Trisha's funeral. Once he was ready, they solemnly proceeded through the white halls of the Sanctuary's living quarters till they reached a lift. The metal contraptions were a relatively new invention. Great cages with gears and wires which used the power of heat to rise and descend. They had been quite effective in a place like the Sanctuary and for that, Drake was grateful.

As the stepped inside, Festus pressed his hand onto a pad which then glowed with heat causing them to rise. The ceremony was to take on a balcony, high off the upper levels of the Sanctuary. Drake had been to the place many times with his friends to enjoy the view of the city. There was a large stone courtyard and well-maintained gardens. It was peaceful place. The creaky lift rose higher and higher, as the cold mountain air kissed the backs of their necks. Somehow, even within the Sanctuary, the chill could be found and though the lift lurched and stammered, Festus's consistent output ensured they'd reach the top.

As they approached the destination, Festus instructed him to be on his best behavior. There were going to be some lofty individuals in attendance, including the High Priest. Once the ceremony was finished, they would begin their journey. Drake nodded and promised his mentor he would show his upmost respect for the occasion and he meant it all sincerity.

The lift stopped with a disconcerting creak and the two stepped onto the courtyard where many members of the Order had already arrived. There wasn't room for everyone to attend and many had work to do, but their attendance had been expected. Drake spotted a few familiar figures such as Julius, the Flame Weaver he'd met on the tavern the other night, Blair, and Simon was also present with a Sentinel Flame who he didn't recognize. Off to the side stood Lestor, the High Priest. He was a thin man, a bit older than Festus, but with long wispy hair. His traditional crimson robes were crinkled from the light breeze and the mist that morning. His obsidian skullcap with an iron flame on the top rested loosely on his head. He was standing with another elderly man and woman both in purple robes. Members of the council. They appeared to be in discussion as the mourners started to file in.

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