Chapter Forty-Six: Ways and Means

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In an instant, joy had turned to sorrow and disbelief. What was supposed to be a happy day for Talia had turned into a nightmare. Her cousin, the same cousin who during their childhood made songs to entertain her younger sister and distracted Gratos while they stole pastries, was a serial murderer involved in a plot to overthrow the government. It was too much to take in as she found herself thrust into a quest to find her father and against all hope enlist his aid. He likely wouldn't take the news about Nob any better, but she had to try.

Talia rushed through the dilapidated streets on the edge of the Slums followed closely by the two young Flame Weavers Nadia and Hiro. The journey to the tunnel should've been easy but she'd already been forced to break out her staff and knock around a few populists who tried to get in their way. She managed to get out of one some information on them on how their group planned to seize control of the city. They were far more organized than she'd realized. This was no mere rabble rousing; it was practically a full-blown rebellion.

They proceeded down narrow side street and she stopped them next to old abandoned grocery shop. After carefully looking around to see they weren't followed, Talia removed some of the boards over the door and ushered them inside. After they'd made inside, she replaced the boards and quickly led her group toward the back room. A fake sewer grate was stationed in the corner past a few shelves. She opened it up and jumped down into the tunnel, followed by her companions.

"A little light would be nice," she said, motioning to the Flame Weavers. They quickly had flaming orbs the ready. She knew the way back but given what was going on above, it was best to avoid any unexpected encounters. The tunnel was round with pipes running over head. They were able to all fit comfortably but there was little room for maneuvering. Even so, she carefully positioned the group with herself taking up the rear guard, Nadia in front and Hiro in the middle. The spike-haired Acolyte seemed shaken by the whole experience. She hoped they'd run into Blair.

Her mind kept returning to her own issues. How would she not have realized what her cousin was becoming. If she hadn't seen it for herself, she'd have thought it all a sick joke. It would be just like the two of them to do that to her. A fresh wave of guilt washed over her. She'd left a man at Nick's house, who could've slit his throat at any time. Every instance they'd been talking about how to find the murderer, Nob had probably had his ear on the door, thinking up new ways to make them look like fools. Her dad would know what to do if they found him.

She tried not to let the emotional weight distract her from giving Nadia direction back toward headquarters. The tunnel they were in was for maintenance back in the day but had long since fallen into disuse. As such there were a few spots where the pipes tended to leak. The repeated drips of water only felt like a further insult. If this wasn't bad enough when they reached the end of the tunnel, the door leading into the Liar's Den was locked from the other side. She squeezed her way to the front and knocked rhythmically, hoping there was someone on the other side.

After an uncomfortable pause, the door swung open, Johan stood there with his sword drawn. The middle-aged blonde man's face was a mixture of relief and surprise. She became instantly aware she was still wearing some of the wedding robes under her coat and had a silver ring prominently displayed.

"Don't worry. It's not even the most surprising thing I've seen today," the swordsman said.

Talia looked around the Liar's Den. It was more crowded than she'd ever seen it. Various groups of Fen and Alluvials milled about. Some of her neighbors were waiting in line while Caro and Gratos dished out some soup. Sissel sat with Blair over at a table with a few children. An agitated tabby cat was outstretched between them trying to keep out of the children's paws.

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