Chapter 44

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A hero arrives when he's most needed!

The whole room became filled with a tense aura, especially after witnessing something that they could only call a swift but gruesome death, and no one dared to utter a single word after seeing that horrifying display of power.

What they saw was a newcomer arriving out of nowhere, and with a single punch he'd completely decimated a person's body within a blink of an eye. The shear force from the body colliding with the wall created a horrific bone breaking sound, and due to the reinforced wall the body ended up getting flattened against it, which caused all it's bodily fluids to get splashed everywhere around it.

Izuku turned towards Toga and then crouched down in front of her. He proceeded to brush the hair that was covering her crying eyes to the side, before placing his palm against her cheek while wiping away some of her tears with his thumb.

Toga couldn't believe that it was Izuku at first, but when she felt his soft touch caressing her cheek she could instantly recognize the warmth that his hand was emanating, so she just smilingly leaned into his touch while closing her crying eyes before saying "It's really you *sniffle* I've missed you so much, I'm sor.." she couldn't finish her apology since Izuku had interrupted her.

Some of the villains had regained their thoughts and saw this as an opportunity to attack so they sneakily walked towards Izuku. Meanwhile, Izuku had interrupted Toga by saying "I've missed you to cupcake. I'm okay so you don't need to apologize, we can.."

Three villains had snuck behind Izuku, they tried to sneak attack him while he was talking to Toga, Izuku sensed them approaching, so he activated his Susanoo ribcage which resulted in their attacks being stopped.

He then asked Toga if she could wait for a bit which she smilingly nodded to. Izuku then stood up before turning around towards the three villains, with an intense glare and a cold but annoyed tone he stated "It's rude to interrupt someone when they're talking."

The deadly killer intent he was emanating towards them was so intense, that all three of them went unconscious straight away. This just caused all of the others around them to tense up even more, and it didn't help when they saw him pick up the broken katana before slicing the throat for the three that were unconscious.

That was when they all heard someone start clapping, which made them all turn around towards the arrogant person. It was Charon smirking while clapping, he then with an amused tone started to talk towards Izuku.

"Well well well, It looks like people don't take me seriously, since they keep sending more children to fight me." Izuku nonchalantly said "Who the f*ck are you?" which just pissed off Charon, making him yell towards Izuku in an angry and annoyed tone.

"I'm the underground leader of the southern Asian organization, which you guys have been decimating for the past two months" Izuku just confused lifted his eyebrow before saying "Never heard about you, might be that you've never popped up on my radar."

While being distracted another couple of villains tried to attack Toga from behind, and without Izuku turning around he swung his Susanoo skeleton hand towards the villains behind Toga, causing them to be flung against the wall with great force before dying from internal bleeding.

His statement and action just caused Charon to get even more furious, he pointed towards Izuku before yelling at him "Are you trying to act all big and might? Telling me that I'm not challenging enough for you. You arrogant little child, who in the h*ll do you think you are?"

Izuku pulled his hand up to his chin before grasping it and nonchalantly said "People gave me an interesting nickname which was 'The Red Eyed Devil'. Saying his name caused a panic to start, almost half of the people around him started trembling in their spot and it wasn't any better for the boss.

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