Chapter 29

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The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

King for a day

Tiny comment: I just felt like the video had some similarities to how Izuku was fucked and misused, to where he fucked over his dad, and how everyone is helping him out.

It was the Morning after Izuku's little visit to U.A. Everyone was doing their own thing beside Izuku and Toga. They were sitting in the living room, watching TV while talking.

Something had been bothering Toga for a long while. At first she'd pushed it back thinking it's nothing, but every time they were with the others, she could see the pained and sad expression on Izuku's face.

She could see that same expression on him right now, it was mixed with his thinking expression. It looked like he was carrying the weight of the world, while also trying to solve a huge mystery.

It was too much seeing him be in pain while hiding it from the others, so now that they were alone she would get it out of him. She looked at him before getting his attention "Izu?" but he did not react due to him being deep in thought.

Trying again but louder she said "IZU?" but still no response. This made her a bit concerned, what on earth could take so much attention from him?

This time she got serious, with a worried tone she said his full name which she never does "IZUKU?" Izuku turned around so fast, that it looked like he would snap his own neck. This made her chuckle a bit before looking seriously at him.

Izuku with a concerned facial expression asked if something was wrong. She looked at him with unease before asking what was wrong. At first he tried to play it off, as if she had misinterpreted the situation.

But Toga was no fool. She had known him for years, so she knew when he was in pain and when he was hiding something. So with a serious but still worried tone she said "I know you're hiding something, something that is painful. And I know that you don't want to burden me, but we are a couple. Which means that your problems are my problems, and vice versa."

Izuku smiled at her comment before slowly pulling her in for a kiss. He thought for a second if he wanted to tell her, since he knew that she would end up like him. But what she said had hit him harder than he knew, so he ended up spilling it.

"You know how everyone has helped us so much?" making her just nod in response which made him continue "Well, I sometimes feel sad that the others don't have a normal life outside this compound."

She thought about it before arriving at the same conclusion, everyone beside them and Orochimaru were always at the base. They had nothing outside this base, no relationships, no hobbies, no jobs and so on.

Izuku saw that she had arrived at the same conclusion which made him continue "Well I'm trying to figure out how we can change that. I want them to be as happy as us. I want them to live a full life, to find love, to make memories outside of here. I know they never say it, but every time I look at them I think that they are imprisoning her with us."

He then said something that struck Toga's hearth way too hard "I feel like their relationship to us has grown too strong, making it impossible for them to request Orochimaru to cancel the jutsu. Creating a situation, where they can't go back to the others in their afterlife. Their immortality state also makes it impossible to leave this place, since it will cause to much trouble for everyone if they are found out"

Toga had started to cry a little when Izuku was talking, he knew she would react this way but he wasn't done so he continued "This jutsu is like a prison for them, and their relationship to us is like their prison warden. So every time I look at them, I feel like a small part of my heart shatters"

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