Chapter 11

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Welcome to the family

Although Izuku was growing at an incredible rate, what worried his teachers was that one day his handicap would get him killed. Orochimaru then told Izuku "Izuku, I wanted to talk about your missing arm. You see I can create a prosthetic arm, from the same cells I used to create the skin graft, that I used on your arm stump from when I healed you."

Intrigued by his sensei he nodded to continue "The cell's origin is from a person known as 'Hashirama Senju'. He was the only one who could stand toe to toe against Madara and still win. But back to your arm, it seems like your body is very compatible with the cell's, so much that it has somewhat increased your regeneration and chakra."

As I sat there listening with wide eyes he kept going "The reason I think you will unlock wood release is it due to my research into cell's. So I want to ask you if you wanted to replace that arm with a new one?" As much as Izuku would have liked that, he for some reason felt like it was wrong.

Due to being mature for his age, he knew that the decision was not his alone. So he asked his sensei to wait for a bit, and with that he went to look for Toga which was in her room reading some book.

Izuku walked up to Toga and sat down beside her before saying "Hi cupcake, I wanted to talk to you about something." Knowing this was something big, she placed the book down while signaling him to continue.

Izuku proceeded to summon Chibi Kurama out and then stated "Toga whom I love, you're the light which lifted so much weight off my shoulders, and helped me with overcoming so much pain. "Making Toga blush and hide her face in her hands while whispering "I love you to".

He chuckled and continued with "Kurama whom I share my body with, I knew you helped me heal after the operation, even though you never said it." Shocking Kurama a bit while continuing "Even though I know I will never replace Naruto, I still feel a deep connection to you, and hope that one day you will trust me as you trusted Naruto."

Touched by Izuku's words, Kurama released a few tears while smiling and thinking 'He never treated me as a monster. Even though I never said to him that I was sad when I missed Naruto, he always knew it by looking at me and always comforted me.' He jumped into his lap and rubbed his head against Izuku while saying "No need to think that, even though I miss Naruto, I'm still honored to be your partner in crime".

This made Izuku smile before saying "The reason I'm saying this is because you're a big part of my life. So I can't make big decisions without getting your consent. Sensei said that he could replace my missing arm with a new prosthetic one, but I don't want to a few reasons"

Interested in what he was saying Izuku continued "Every time I look at my missing arm, it reminds me of how much pain I've endured, and what I have survived. It also reminds me of what and whom I've gained in my life, and it pushes me to work harder towards things I've yet to gain."

Izuku looked away In shame while saying "I know it's selfish of me to ask you guys for this, but would it be alright if I decline the offer?"

Toga and Kurama were both surprised by his maturity, that Izuku took their consideration in such a huge decision. They looked at each other before turning to Izuku, who was still looking away in disgust of his selfishness, and proceeded to jump at him, making all three of them fall backward onto the bed.

They both said with a bright smile "We trust your decision no matter what it is." Toga continued with giving him many kisses, while Kurama licked his face, making him laugh and smile with happiness.

Unbeknown to them, Madara and Orochimaru saw the whole thing while recording it. They both thought the same thing 'I'm so proud of him. This sensation, it almost feels like I'm watching my son grow up'

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