Chapter 12

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Teachers from Hell

Izuku and Toga were eating breakfast alone, they were wondering where everyone else was. When they were finished they decided to look for them, and found them outside talking about something.

When Orochimaru saw them, he told them that they were planning how to train them most efficiently. After telling them their hellish strategy, what they saw wasn't someone who gave up or complained. What they saw was that their eyes were brimming with passion, and that they were ready for whatever they threw at them.

~~~~First Month~~~~

First month was used to train their body to the limit, so they focused their training on Taijutsu, meaning hand to hand combat, as well as speed and strength. The exercise would last 17 hours a day, giving them 7 hours to rest.

They were forced to summon 100 clones each, and made them spar with their teachers clones. While their clones were sparing, they themselves were told to train their bodies, due to the fact that the shadow clones would not increase their speed or their strength, just their experience and knowledge.

After that month they had accumulated 6 years of experience in Taijutsu, they had more or less mastered the art of Taijutsu, but they were still novices when it came to actual combat, where their target would go in for the kill without hesitating at the last moment.

During this time their strength, speed and reaction time had greatly improved, they had also trained off their excessive fat as well as gaining new muscles. Toga became very slim while Izuku became ripped, he was so ripped that every time Toga looked at him she would gain a blush"

(17 hour * 31 days = 527 Hours of training, those 527 hours * 100 clones = 52 700 hours of experience. Those 52 700 hours / 24 hours in a day / 365 days in a year = 6 years)

~~~~Second Month~~~~

Second month was focused on tools and weapons. The teachers were training 200 clones, how to use tools and weapons that they themselves knew how to use. During this time, the duo worked out in the gym to keep their bodies in peak condition, while their clones were outside learning about tools and weapons.

Toga's favorite weapon became 'Senbon' which were metal needles with a point at both ends. She liked the idea of using poison on them to incapacitate the target, she also wielded a katana for if she needed a weapon for close combat.

Izuku's weapon of choice was a katana, but if he had a chance then he preferred to dual wield 2 of them. He also carried some kunais and shurikens, but he would only use them if the target was outside the line of sight.

At the end of the month both of them had mastered how to use different tools and weapons. The hardest part was to hit targets that weren't in line of sight, but after a few days they got a hold of it thanks to the clones. Once again gaining 6 years worth of training in weapons, scrolls, tags and so on.

~~~~Third Month~~~~

Third month was focused on genjutsu, but Izuku would also focus on improving and mastering his Sharingan this month. They were taught how to create genjutsu traps with tags, how to endure and escape a genjutsu, and how to cast genjutsu at someone.

Since Izuku mastered the basics within a week, then the rest of the month was used focusing on his Sharingan. At the end of the month he had mastered the basics, granting him incredible clarity of perception.

With that he could read lips or mimic any movement, he was even able to see on a cellular level. His Sharingan became so good that it gave him some amount of predictive capabilities, which made him able to anticipate an opponent's next move, based on the slightest muscle tension.

Izuku was now also able to copy almost any jutsu or movement he could see, memorizing it to near-perfect accuracy, then either perform that jutsu or movement or modify it to suit his needs. This made Sharingan genjutsu training much easier for him.

By the end of the month both had passed this part of the training, due to all the experience they got from the clones. During this month Izuku learned that with enough training, he could one day enter a target's mind to look through their memories, and even erase them within a long range for several targets.

~~~~Fourth Month~~~~

Fourth month was used to teach them ninjutsu, both the jutsu's that contain five basic natures and those that don't need them, like 'Transformation Technique'.

After 3 weeks Izuku had mastered all the jutsu's they had taught him, due to him now being able to copy and memories all jutsu's to near-perfection. As a result of 7 weeks of excessive chakra and hand seals usage, his body had more or less become one with the Hashirama cells from his arm stump.

This caused him to finally unlock wood release, which he used last week with Madara and Hashirama learning all kinds of wood style jutsu.

For Toga it was harder to master the ninjutsus, since she didn't have the Sharingan. Even though she used the shadow clone, she only managed to master normal and water jutsu's.

This made her lose some determination, which Izuku saw so he gave her kisses, hugs and a motivational speech, which seemed to work since she gained back the determination.

~~~~Fifth Month~~~~

Fifth month began with 'Summoning Jutsu'. Sasuke and Itachi helped Izuku to form a contract with the snakes, crows and eagles. Whilst Toga got help from Orochimaru, Tsunade and Haku to form a contract with the snakes, slugs and penguins. (I just thought it would be funny combining Ice jutsu with penguins)

From the second day they were taught calligraphy, and how to create scrolls and tags. Which he once again mastered faster than Toga, thanks to the Sharingan he finished this training within the first week of the month.

The Uchiha's used the second and third week together with Izuku. He was taught how to use his EMS abilities and how to control his Susanoo, he learned how to evolve it throughout the different stages and how to keep it on one evolution.

The last week was used to learn medical ninjutsu from Hashirama and Tsunade. Hashirama taught him how to heal wounds without forming hand seals, whilst slow it still worked but with Kurama's help it went much faster.

Tsunade taught him how to analyze, create and neutralize different poisons. She also taught him how to heal others, and how to create food pills.

By the time Toga was finished with her training, Izuku had already mastered the basics of medical ninjutsu.

On the last day of the month, they celebrated that Izuku had been with Orochimaru for 6 months. While the Yagi's had given up on Izuku ever returning. His sister believed that he was still alive, whilst his parents believed that he died. They thought that a quirkless 10 year old with one arm and no money, had no chance of surviving out there.

Posted 10. January 2021
1195 words

~Author note~
I know it seemed like I rushed the training arc, but I tried my best to make it seem as legit as possible, as well as avoiding using multiple chapters to describe his training. 

With both possessing a tailed beast, I thought that they would have enough chakra, to perform the same training that Naruto did with Kakashi. 

The reason Izuku is so far ahead of Toga is because of his intellect, Sharingan and his training in analysis, when he wrote those books that analyzed Hero's. Don't worry he has more training to do, but to learn more he needs to leave the base.

What it truly means to be an UchihaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora