Chapter 49

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The power of a God.

Izuku had been taught by Konan for 6 months now, and within those 6 months he'd more or less mastered Animal Path, Preta Path, Human Path and some aspects of Naraka Path. He'd also gained a skill level of above average in natural energy during this time, he needed to learn it after he'd tried to absorb some of Hashirama chakra.

During that time, Izuku had also gotten used to seeing through the summons Rinnegan eyes. His limit is twenty pairs of eyes, if he goes above that then he would start feeling a headache, which would only increase the longer he saw through them.

~~~Fourth Stage~~~

They were now both sitting in the garden, this was after Izuku had demonstrated his control over the Rinnegan abilities, that he'd so far learned from Konan. She had decided that Izuku was now ready to learn about Naraka Path's second ability.

The second ability the Naraka Path possessed is the ability to repair any damage. To do so the Naraka Path has the King of Hell ingest the damaged body with its tendril-like arms into its mouth, then, after some time, the destroyed or wounded body will emerge from its mouth, completely rejuvenated.

For the beginners level they've planned to use lab rats and lizards, which they'd acquired from Orochimaru. They'd give them tiny cuts with their kunai, then Izuku would summon the King of Hell before playing them into its mouth.

When Izuku gained enough control to fully heal them from their tiny wounds, they then would start making mediocre wounds before proceeding on creating life threatening wounds on them. They went onto bigger animals, when Izuku mastered to save a rat from lethal wounds.

They kept doing this process, until Izuku could heal an animal that was the same size of an adult human. Afterwards they would ask Orochimaru for another killing mission.

There they would do the same thing as they did at stage three, where they would capture as many as they could alive before putting them under genjutsu. Izuku would then repeat the process he did with the animals, but now he would do it on his 'volunteers'.

The last step of restoration on human subjects was when Izuku would inflict a lethal wound to the test subject before saving their lives. When they were done they would just kill them off before going home.

Last phase of stage four was self restoration. Izuku would start with an insignificant wound, and steadily go up to an almost lethal wound before stopping. His mastery of the King of Hell was so good, that he could pick which parts he wanted to restore.

After restoring himself a few times, Izuku found out that restoring another's body takes way more chakra then he needs to restore his own body. To a point where if he did it too many times in a day then he would feel chakra exhaustion, so he decided that he would only do it if the person had great value to him.

With that he ended up choosing to not heal his right arm, his missing arm had been a reminder for him to push himself further and that is why he didn't want to restore it. If he ever needed the arm he could always use his Susanoo or transformation arm.

~~~Fifth Stage~~~

It took only one month for Izuku to master stage four, and that was due to him being able to do the most parts at home. Konan was now telling Izuku about Asura Path, which grants the user the ability to augment their own body to summon mechanized armor and various ballistic and mechanical weaponry.

She waited with this until now due to how easy it could backfire, since if Izuku augmented his body wrong, then he could end up wounding himself, or worst case scenario he could end up killing himself.

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