Extra Chapter

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2.5 years later, Daesung is doing his first year of university.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us? Kihyun said he's paying."

"Nah, I'm good. I have to finish the painting anyways." He answered before they left him in the silent studio. He's developed strong passion for painting. For hours, he can be in the studio without eating or sleeping.

Even though he's doing well in university he still occasionally thinks about Jaeyoung. He's never forgotten him, especially during their birthdays.

It took around 3 hours for him to finally finish his portrait. The boy in his painting seemed sad and lonely, just like him. "You're still here as usual I see." A familiar voice coming from the door. It's Taeyang, one of Daesung's closest friends. "You still won't stop abusing your mind and body, will you."

"I'm almost done anyways."

"Have you seen the time?"

"What, is it like 10 or 11pm?"

"It's 3am."

"What?" He checked his phone, bad idea since the brightness is really high and he dimmed the lights in the studio. "Ow!" He immediately dropped his phone after the light hurt his eyes.

"I knew you'd do that again which is why I brought eye drops." Taeyang took out the box from his pocket and handed it to Daesung.

"No, thanks. I'm fine. I'll just go sleep then."

"Mm." Taeyang nodded then put the box back into his pocket. "I brought my car, want a lift?"

"If you don't mind."

"You know I don't. Let me help with packing." They left not after a while.

They got to the dorms and headed up. They live right next to each other so it was easy for them to become friends. "Um Daesung-ah."


"I uh, I wanted to ask about something."

"What is it?"

"Are you free this Saturday? I was thinking maybe we could try that new cafe you wanted to go to." Daesung softly smiled to himself.

Taeyang had confessed to Daesung a while ago. Daesung didn't say anything since he still has a soft spot for Jaeyoung. But he wanted to try and move on since it seemed like Jaeyoung is not gonna return to him. He's been waiting for long enough.

"Sure." Taeyang smiled brightly then nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow then." Taeyang nodded then they went into their separate rooms that are facing each other.

'Maybe I should try and date Taeyang hyung. I should try and not love Jaeyoung hyung anymore. I have to accept that he's not gonna come back.'

He fell asleep with a clouded mind.


The next day he went for coffee at a nearby Starbucks as usual. His friends tried to get him to go clubbing with them again but he refused. Because of sleeping late he woke up late again. It's already 3pm and he's going for breakfast.

"No, don't. It's better if we walk." He answered Taeyang on the phone.

"Okay. If you say so. But you know I'm lazy, right? I'm just used to driving."

"Which is why we should walk."

Right before crossing the street he bumped into someone causing him to drop his sketchbook. "Oh, I'm so sorry." The other person apologized." He helped Daesung pick up his things. Then they both realized they're not strangers.

"H-hyung?" Daesung managed to say after seeing Jaeyoung right in front of him. At first he thought he was just hallucinating again but this time it's real. A tear rolled down his cheek. He doesn't know how to feel about this situation. He's both happy and confused. He knew right then and there that he's still in love with Jaeyoung. Taeyang won't help with anything at all.

Taeyang ended up hanging up since no one was answering.

To talk peacefully they went to Daesung's dorm room. The silence was intense the whole way there, even after they sat down on the couch. 'What am I supposed to say right now?' Daesung asked himself.

"Um, how've you been?" Jaeyoung tried to break the ice.

Daesung bit his lower lip before speaking. "Fine I guess." Then silence hit the room again. Daesung forced himself to ask. "Where have you been, hyung? I've waited all this time for you but you never returned. What happened?"

"I had to move in with my aunt at Italy."

"But you could have said bye. I cried myself to bed for 2 whole weeks after finding out that you left the hospital."

"I'm sorry." Jaeyoung had definitely changed. He seemed shy and regretful in Daesung's eyes.

"Anyways, why did you leave so quick?"

"My father died." Daesung's eyes widened. "It was lung cancer. I had to leave as soon as I recovered and I wasn't allowed any contact with the outside world." Jaeyoung took Daesung's hand into his. "I never once stopped thinking about you." He offered him a soft smile.

"M-me too." Jaeyoung pulled Daesung into his arms.

Suddenly an image of Taeyang popped into Daesung's head.

'Wait, what does this mean?' He asked himself.


Official official end now. Bye!
( ˘ ³˘)♥

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